Trapped by my followers

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type PvE conflict
Region: EU

[Describe the bug here]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Have active horse and pet/ thrall (i.e. on follow)
  2. Walk towards a slope that needs to be climbed (I was mining ore )
  3. At point where I would need to climb , or walk away I become trapped and cannot move, cannot climb, cannot mount horse, cannot move followersstuck1 stuck2 stuck3 stuck4 stuck5
  4. Set followers to ‘stop following’ and wait ages for them to return home.
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2 hour update: I logged in 2 hours after setting pet & horse to stop following.
The pets were still there but the rock I had mined had respawned so now I was trapped inside a rock !
Only thing left to do was suicide. What a complete waste of a morning.stuckdead

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Hey @PhilC007

We’ve sent this information to our team so they can look into it.
Thanks for the feedback and apologies for the frustration.

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A ‘Send Home’ option would be cool.

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Thanks for the reply. The easiest solution is to create a greater following distance; I am also sick of my followers standing so close I actually damage them (during PVP times) which is highly annoying as any ‘reasonable’ animal (or person) would back off a bit if taking unintended damage from their master.
Similar situation in combat, my horse has a stupid way of getting inbetween me and the NPC I’m fighting, so it often takes substantial damage from me, then ofc it uses up all of its food to heal itself.

Rolee, there is a send home command; it’s called Stop Following and I use it often. In fact, I set a gazelle to Guard at a farming spot, fill him up and set him to follow me home, never placing him on guard afterwards. When everything is offloaded and stuff I want at the farming spot is loaded, I tell him to Stop Following. I can log out or warp to another obby and the gazelle is back at the farming spot.

Label your pets appropriately since it confuses the heck out of me and don’t do what I have done several times:
Never place him on guard anywhere else.

I’ve found the scouting follower will stay there for several hours if I am within render distance. If I leave, the follower often does also.

Have fun with it !



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Good advice!

I had problems with Guard order: once I stopped my fighter to heal a bit because I don’t really use healing arrows and was out of food, and I went to kill the Brute and forgot about my follower. The next day when I realised he OBVIOUSLY wasn’t there. Days later I found him stuck in the walls of the UC (that was before the followers update).

As i said, I did set horse and pet to stop following.
I logged out for 2 hours
They were still there, trapping me (besides the respawned rock)

@Ragnaguard Very clever! I will be sure to carry a katana and give it a try. Thanks for the tip.
BTW how did you upload the video? When I tried uploading the video I made, it wouldn’t accept the format, but would accept gifs (hence why I put so many of them on here).

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