Treasure coffer doesn't count items placed around it, causing it to display the wrong value

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =none=
Mods: =none=

Bug Description:

i noticed it happen often, usually after restarting the game, that the treasure coffer will display the wrong value. the only fix ive been able to find for this is to delete the coffer and place it back again. after doing that, i jump from a level 5 purge with a value of 25k to a level 6 purge with a value of 39.8k. this has happened every single time. now i did some testing and figured out that sometimes the coffer just ignores any treasures placed around it: amphoras, braziers, warhorns, plates, urns, harps, anything except for items inside the actual coffer. obviously its frustrating having to move your coffer every time you log back on the game so i hope this can be fixed

Bug Reproduction:

  1. check coffer value and see its less than it should be
  1. delete coffer and place it back again
  2. notice the value jumped up a tier to where it should be
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That’s the problem to all the consoles, not only steam (pc).
Your workaround is to cash all your treasure to coins, If this is actually your purge coffer.
If it’s a decorative treasury inside your house don’t mind too much, you won’t loose placeables, they just won’t be calculated correctly from the accountant, no big deal.

Definitely count me in on this matter.
Workarounds to almost everything is… Pff!

i figured thats the case, seen threads from people on console report the same issue

im not sure what you mean since i dont see any way to exchange my treasures for coins, but what i found that works is dismantling my coffer then putting it back down which makes it count my placed treasures and bumps up my purge level. but obviously thats a hassle and i dont want to have to do that every single time i relog

luckily this post was marked as report received so hopefully it’ll be included in the next update

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I will send you photos if you wish. You go to your accountant and he has your treasure coffer details. You scroll to the placeables and interact (it’s X on PlayStation :laughing:) and the placeable becomes gold coins in your treasure chest. I use this technique a lot to get fast amounts of gold back to my house. I just take shaped wood and iron reinforcement with me, place a treasury coffer near the distant camp i visit, on the ground and if i find legendary statue, i don’t have to carry it long, i place it next to the coffer, exchange to gold coins and dismantle the coffer. Easy pizzy 5k gold coins :wink:.

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yooo this was eye opening. i never knew you can actually interact with the items listed there, for the longest time i thought you can only cash in silver coins for gold ones but no you can do that with any treasure in the tally

thanks dude!

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Have fun m8 :metal:. If your gold coins are plenty, put them in the oven and make them gold bars for less space :wink:.
Hoard the lands!!!

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YOU CAN MELT DOWN GOLD COINS? i was hoping you can but man why did i never think to try that… i literally have over a thousand hours too

thanks dude!!

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I have almost 9k and still learning :laughing:, stay tuned my fellow exile and share your experiences too, we need to speak to each other and make our gaming life easier.
This game is a sickness isn’t it?
Thanks for chatting m8, really appreciate it :metal::hugs:.

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I’ve got something ridiculous like 20,000 silver bars I use to trigger purges. I keep them in my crafting area and only load up the coffer when I want to do a purge.

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damn and i thought i had a lot, youre an og

im not much of a writer, i just come on here to report bugs mostly, but yeah this game has a grip on me. even with all of its bugs, i still love it and come back often… but i might be biased cuz ive always loved the conan brand

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holy thats a lot

i decided to break a bunch of treasures into gold coins then turn everything else into gold bars which is a convenient workaround but its still just a workaround

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So, just a little heads for a trick i learned off someone’s post here… since you can convert treasures easily you can of course just yoink any bountiful treasure chest and place a coffer, and convert it. Easy 5k gold coins at the mild inconvenience of always carrying 15ish iron reinforcements and shaped wood.

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