I’m almost finished with finding the 29(28) languages for the Linguest Journey for Isle of Siptah on the PlayStation 4. They are listed in the Wiki; however, no locations are given a d I can’t locate any information about them here in the forums or on the internet.
I don’t play on Siptah, but I would check that location again next server reset if I were you. I play in the exile lands and the spawn rates for language scrolls aren’t 100% guaranteed every server reset.
This is mostly cosmetic item, but you can also use it to write notes to people and only if they learn the language they cab read that.
Also gives a little bit lore about the different languages
I’ve finished all the achievements 100% However, I’m a completionist. On Exiles as well as Siptah, I try to find every journey step, Easter eggs, etc… To keep the game interesting. The languages, like the others said, mainly cosmetic, still a fun journey
Right now, there is no way to complete the Journey step collect all Journals. There are 24 Journals; However, due to a bug in the ‘spaghetti code’ Journal #9 is stuck under the mesh and cant be found. Funcom is aware and says, they will update or patch in 2.5. Those of us on console, may never see this update. Maybe in 2022. Or 2023.