Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Wizard’s Dwell
Mods: 2018817145,2275543723,1542041983,2050780234,2275573619,1938818750,1823412793,1369743238,1427509507,2875171748,2867930379
Bug Description:
Unique grade Hardened Steel weapons cannot be dismantled. Neither the Dismantling Bench nor the Improved Dismantling Bench do anything.
To be honest there seem to be quite a few items, such as Kits, that do not dismantle in the benches, but 100% the Unique grade Hardened Steel weapons don’t work.
Bug Reproduction:
Place Unique grade Hardened Steel weapons in the dismantling bench