I’ve been playing Conan Exiles for a bit under 2 weeks now, and got my own dedicated server to play on with friends. It worked fine until last night’s hotfix.
I installed the dedicated server using this guide:
https conanexiles gamepedia com/Dedicated_Server_Setup:_Linux_and_Wine
How it happened:
I started the server and game as usual, but got an error message:
“The match you are trying to join is running an incompatible version of the game. Please try updating your game version.”
So Steam had automatically updated the game. I grabbed the guide to check the update section. I followed instructions to manually update. I saw it downloaded and installed some stuff. When it was done I restarted the server.
Verifying with steamcmd it says I now have the latest version of the server running. The server starts, but I still get the same error.
I’m not sure what else I need to do to fix it? Do I need to update or modify the game save on the server?
I found some more info: When I log on the server doesn’t spit out a lot, just connection accepted from and that’s it. A friend just tried to log on and that causes it to come up with some more info:
Apparently the server “network version” is 2034632679, while our game “network version” is 2045847593. Steamcmd still says this is the latest version of the server.