[VIDEO] OLDCRAIG is back with trailer for new season of Conan Exiles "show"!

Have You guys heard about oldcraig? He is Conan Exiles YT that plays Conan and makes videos on yt. Its very unique, there’s no synthetic making up stuff but he actually plays game normally and puts funny stuff there.

He recently uploaded trialer for next season im hyped for!

By the way do You guys know any content creators that have similar stuff about conan? Im not really interested in let’splay but stuff like that or even Ceronesthes kinda stuff.


That’s exactly what people need to see and understand!, you don’t have to be a super player to play pvp in this game, just folks with you that will have fun no matter what. The most difficult part on playing pvp is to find teammates, people that you’ll enjoy playing with them! They don’t have to be super players, don’t choose teammates this way. Play with people you like and everything is possible!

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Exactly - in the end we play for fun!

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:point_up_2: This, happy new year my fellow exile, happy to see you around again :metal:

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Although they’ve stopped Neebs gaming was my favourite let’s play of Conan Exiles they were funny and creative and you could easily relate. I’ll leave a link to one of there supercuts


I enjoyed neebs gaming in many games. I lmao in the forest supercut. The videos they made on Conan exiles was very… Fast! We are a funny company (because they are) , people love our videos, so they will watch this too! So with all do respect, no, they must give another try in Conan exiles, especially now that sorcery exists and they can use really cool features! These fellows can really make the difference now!
If they wish!
For me one of the best rp Conan series, that helped me a lot in the beginning was vintage beef, he was really good!


Yea vintage beef was a good one I liked how he took the time to make little huts and personal areas for his thralls. And wasn’t he at war with Roboclop? as well I used to laugh at all the pranks he pulled like with the pots everywhere. Lol good times.


I usually don’t watch let’s plays cause they take too much time watch and they drag for too long. I rather watch edited videos that cut fillers and most of time in which nothing interesting happens.

Do You think its worth for me to watch it? Is it content rich, does it feel natural and not forced too much? :wink:

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I like to have something related to the game I’m currently playing playing in the background when I’m doing stuff like building or gathering Matt’s.
A few lets plays do offer rich content and occasional laughs and neebs gaming was one of the funniest ones iv seen. I would recommend it for the laughs it doesn’t drag on and as stelagel mentioned above it is a bit rushed as compared to other game series they’ve done but it doesn’t feel dragged out.

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I remember once, i was watching @Wak4863 starting a new Phoenix character! And i saw something i didn’t knew after more than a year gaming so far back then, he fixed for first tool hatchet (i was fixing pick) and he harvest a branch to gain more brances, so i was OMG. This little detail that i watched years before determine my progress so far. I started going out of my box, using every single tool to harvest literally everything and learn the advantages of each tool. So no matter how “boring” a Conan exiles video can be sometimes, it may hide a detail my friend @Wielder that will make you say “it damn worth it”.
We have really good and dedicated YouTubers, @Pixelcave changed my “way of building” and Kiah established my staring run which is very important to have one when you fresh start in the maps.
Conan exiles YouTube episodes are mostly my sleeping pills :rofl:.


I bought this game because of their playthrough

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