I just upload pictures to show the problem
helmet issue picking one of the new beards from Orb of Nergal PLEASE FIX THE BEARD IS DOPE AS HELL
I just upload pictures to show the problem
helmet issue picking one of the new beards from Orb of Nergal PLEASE FIX THE BEARD IS DOPE AS HELL
Just tried other beards with that helmet & others seem to bug aswell
Can you share more information? Are you on a modded or official server?
What’s the exact name of the item?
Thanks in advance.
The item name is Aquilonian Infantry Helm I am thinking this is not the only one I have not tested it yet tho.
I am playing on a server but without any mods not official tho it is called “Empire Gaming” to be specific but I will test this in single player later to see how many helmets this applies to.
The issue is that normaly I have beard on my character & once I equip the helmet the beard disappears I didn’t got the time to check futher helmets tonight. But it should be easy to look into atleast
Thank you for the additional information, we have forwarded it to the team for investigation.
Please let us know if you find any other issues on our Lands.
I mean, if you get beards with helmets, i want also hair with some of my helmets to.
I think u have to specific maybe post images of what helmets just to be clear or perhaps make a post about it? it can be that it is just a bug with the ones u r currently having in mind
Was it not in the patch notes that some beards are removed while wearing a helmet due to clipping issues? I seem to remember something like this…
EDIT: I cannot find it, maybe my memory is false…
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