Voidforge Bow with game-breaking ability. Siptah

This bow allows you to shoot unlimitedly as long as you have some durability on your gauntlets. You can have in your inventory one arrow, one poison and one explosive arrow, and shoot unlimitedly as long as your gauntlets are not broken. One of the most durable gauntlets I found are Voidforged Dragon Gauntlets, with armorer for durability, temperwright, and master modification for durability the gauntlets can reach almost to 6,500 durabilty. One shoot with Voidforge Bow cost 50 durability. So with 6,500 you can shoot 130 explosive or gas arrows with a cost of one. On the other side you can just craft Coarse Handwraps with a plant fiber and put master modification for durability on it and just simply fix them in hands with grass or you just craft plenty of them and change them when they break and continue raiding the base.

In clans with big amount of members, this allows them to come and raid bases bascially with no armor just with a bow, gauntlets and an arrow with a risk of loosing nothing and gaining everything and to raid any base no matter if with a god protection or not, because splash damage and big amount of people shooting in bases with bubbles (god’s protection) will take too much damage and those bases will simply fall. This is how you kill pvp Funcom.

They need one arrow to raid bases and to repair them you need actual resources and spend many hours to farm. And everything what enemy must do is just craft Voidfroge Bow and one Poison and Explosive Arrow to be in the end game. Thank you for breaking this game.

Funny thing is that it is not a glitch, it is not a bug, it is this bow’s special ability. And with that as long as it doesn’t change I don’t see a point of playing, because no matter how much time I spend to farm, build, collect items and go into end game, when there might come few people and just craft this bow and some explosives. End of game.

Seems like I can leave Siptah and come back to Exiled Lands, go on PvE-C or just leave Conan. It’s up to you Funcom, make this game playable for those who wanna play it.

Together with upcoming updates we will be able to transfer items between Exiled Lands and Siptah and PvP servers. So just to let you know… We will be able to get Godbreaker Grips and use it together with Voidforge Bow. As these grips can have 19.368 durabilty and one shot from this bow takes 50, so you can shoot 387 time with a cost of one arrow :slight_smile:

And convince me it is not game-breaking…



You don’t need to have a single point in accuracy to make it work, and even if you needed accuracy it still doesn’t change a thing.


Welcome to world of no balance or long term thinking. Basically, pve weapons that break raid even more.

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Pvp raid players be like

I really feel like the design choices of Siptah are geared towards more chaos and less stagnation. With how easy it is to raid and build up fighting supplies ( mats, thralls and gear) it seems much less likely that servers will end up with draconian clans stifling any and all opposition through power differential. Doesn’t really matter how long you have been there on IoS, a new kid can come kick over your castle far easier than they could on EL IMO.

As a solo/duo PvPer this change doesn’t bother me too much as I cannot really afford to be overly attached to things. Tactics, ability, and adaptability are far more valuable to me than a base or gear.

That being said the I agree the voidforge bow is kind of a weird design choice to me. In large clans I think it may be better than trebs for sieging.


For all we know it could be intended for PvP by FC :man_shrugging:


Well now I understand why I was going through gauntlets like crazy playing pve wondering if I was using ninja skills blocking every thing with my wrists.


Lol, yes all voidforge bows have a really low brace height and whenever you shoot them the string slaps the mess out of your nice hand protectors.


Oh yeah I have had bows that peel skin if the grip wasn’t right recurves. Can’t remember using a guard with my old compound.


Maybe a good change without completely getting rid of the clever (but kind of broken) mechanic for this weapon would be to disallow any ammo with a special effect.

So no unlimited explosive, poison, healing etc, but mundane ammo could still be used as it is now

It could be a matter of simply flagging certain ammo to not work with the effect, but it might not be as easy as I think


This totally makes sense now, my gauntlets kept breaking all the time and I couldn’t understand why!

I thought my gauntlets were bugged or something!

I am pretty sure that’s how Twice-Upon-An-Arrow works. Shooting explosive arrows or poison arrows doesn’t result in two explosive/poison effects. That could be a result of how the arrows work and not the bow though, I’m not sure.

That being said I’m not completely convinced the voidforge bow needs to be changed. It doesn’t produce any new functionality, it just serves as a way for players to potentially farm explosive arrows easier (much like upgrading a carpenter/alchemy thrall does). I’d like to see some math on how much more efficient the bow is at producing the explosive effect than regular crafting. Maybe it’s so efficient it needs retuning? But that’s really a question about how accessible FC wants raiding to be I think.

I did some quick math to get an idea using OP’s example. I’m using base numbers without crafters to make it easier on myself.

Voidforge dragon gauntlets (2400 durability - 48 explosives)

  • 310 leather
  • 124 thick leather
  • 248 silver dust
  • 124 gold dust
  • 248 ichor
  • 200 oil
  • 10 dragonbone
  • 14 elephant hide
  • 7 twine

50 explosive arrows

  • 5 ironhead arrows
  • 1050 tar
  • 10 demon blood
  • 550 brimstone
  • 250 crystals
  • 20 feathers

Feel free to check math, I am perfectly capable of being dumb - But that is roughly the comparison we are talking about here.


That makes sense, so Funcom won’t do that. instead they will
a. leave it is
b. nerf it to something like 500 durability per shot

I’m not familiar with the weapon and am going off the description given here, Siptah is the one DLC I don’t yet have. Can you not use it with lesser gauntlets?

The OP mentioned using it with rough hand wraps, which could allow you to basically convert plant fiber into explosive arrows

I know you’d get fewer shots, but even if you only got one shot per hand wrap it seems to me it would be much easier than gathering the supplies and making explosive arrows.

It’s also possible to boost your durability with both the right armor smith (which is much akin to using a better bench) but also with armor modifications.

I’m not remotely sure how much this would change the math, it might be negligible.

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Yes you could absolutely use weaker/cheaper hand armor and change the math with thralls for both arrows and armor. I have no idea what the optimal comparison would look like to be honest, I was just looking for a rough idea. It could very well be the case that some combination of voidforge bow + “x” hand armor is more efficient than is possible with straight up arrow crafting, my only point is - that’s a hard question to answer.

If they were going to change it I think your solution would be the best place to start.


You both are right. This is where I think the actual issue arises.

Coarse handwraps (270 durability - 5 explosives)

  • 2 plant fiber
    *you will have to make at least 1 explosive arrow

10 explosive arrows

  • 1 ironhead arrow
  • 5 tar
  • 2 demon blood
  • 110 brimstone
  • 50 crystal
  • 200 tar
  • 4 feathers

Pretty stark IMO. Only question is this something FC wants?


Thanks for the math you did, it is super helpful to have some solid numbers to look at.

I agree it would be really hard to answer what the most efficient gloves would be without being able to just pull the information from files. Especially when you consider you’d have to figure in harvest rate and rarity for each repair requirement, and then contrast that cost with using corresponding repair kits. It makes my brain hurt just thinking about it

It does sound like a really cool weapon, it’s always nice to see a special weapon that isn’t just +X attribute

Edit: I started this before I saw your edit, so thanks for doing even more!


Yeah, I found that particular item very interesting.
Almost as much as the Voidforged Katana that decays in hand but is repaired by killing things.

There are some very inventive ideas in the Voidforged gear, if RNGesus chooses to bestow it upon you, some I enjoy, others I scratch my head at and wonder how it impacts other playstyles…


Maybe I’m just a math head, but the actual numbers help me to understand the scope of what we are talking about, it just feels less anecdotal. It’s going to be hard to beat plant fiber → explosive arrows tbh lol assuming that works. I too like seeing creative new design - I’d much rather them find a way to make it work how they want, rather than remove things.

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Voidforge Dragon Gauntlets, with Temperwright and master modification for durability have almost 6,500 durability. Checked on official, and on solo, now count how many arrows that is if one shot use 50 durability. It’s 130 shots. 130 shots which you can do with just one arrow.

In this case you no longer need bombs, you barely have to even farm dragon powder. If you have a full clan then this way you can smash everything on your way with 10 people.

This is not math, this is already being practiced on official servers, check raid videos of larger clans and you will see that they are destroying with arrows apex bases with god’s protection this way, and they like to wear Coarse Handwraps too, and they do it on these videos. Since I found out about it we also tried it and yeah… we can simply raid any base this way having just one explosive arrow… no need to carry dragon powder anymore, or hundreds of arrows, so no risk of loosing anything important… think about it.

Imho this is game breaking. Everytime I join server I dont need to farm anything else, I dont even need a proper base, just one arrow and this bow and can go wherever I want and raid anyone and get loot from them, but for what, so someone else will do the same to me next day?

I mean there was always a risk of that before, but people actually had to spend a lot of time to farm dragon powder, thralls, build bases which are difficult for others to raid so it wasn’t this easy, there was some excitement, some challenge. Now all you need to do is go with one explosive, and a good bow :smiley: … end of game.


Yeah, it definitely sets the bar for being able to raid people at an all time low. I would like to think FC wouldn’t want to negate the entire siege economy they have built with introducing this tactic, but I don’t know. This plus the ability to offline makes base building effectively useless, which is a weird design choice.

My call for the math wasn’t in disagreement with you, I just wanted to see it better spelled out before taking a definitive stance. I went and tested it as well and you are 100% correct in all that you say. I can’t imagine how fast a large group could pummel through someone’s hard work. Hopefully they reassess this…


It looks like this bow is an archetype for a fasle good idea. The kind of thing that is going to make the game more fun and unpredictable to play; But once implemented make it more prone to be abused, exploited and a lot less fun to play. Because nobody foreseen how players’s wicked mind will find use to it.