Hi folks, Nik here! Me and Anna have been doing a Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden playthrough on our YouTube channel Two Star Players for the past two and a half months now, and today we’re posting the final episode! We understand that most people here have completed the game a long time ago and this is old news for you by now, but we’re still gonna miss having this game featured on our channel simply because we’ve had a blast playing through it.
It’s been especially fun for us since I’m Swedish, and a big part of our playthrough has just been me gushing over all the small references to Swedish culture littered everyone around the game that are probably completely invisible to most people playing it.
Funcom have been extremely supportive of us the entire way, providing us with review copies and retweeting us when we’ve been posting about new episodes (or posting MYZ memes, haha). During this time we’ve also gone from 456 to 736 subscribers, and we believe a lot of that is thanks to our MYZ: Road to Eden playthrough which has been quite popular. So when (and I’m pretty confident in saying it’s “when” and not “if”) there will be new Mutant Year Zero story content in the future, we are going to jump straight back in with zero hesitation!
Here’s a link to Part 1 of our playthrough:
And here’s a link to the big finale:
Hope to see some of you stop by our channel and check it out!