We're losing our patience with all the problems in game!

I think the best option for people who hate that PVP causes changes is for them to go play PVE only games.

Trying to convince them that changes happen because of game vision and design, rather than a single mode of play is futile. That is reality. But they live in a fantasy world. Let them stay in that fantasy and be miserable. Its what they want.

Instead just gatekeep them. Tell them its a PVP (or PVE if its a PVPer doing it in reverse) and that they should find something else to play.

At the end of the day you won’t be telling anything untrue. Conan Exiles is Conan Exiles. Its going to have Conan Exiles changes made to it, as it always has.


It is always humorous to read a group of posts calling for player unity and an end to divisiveness - and then in their next breath those same players throw insults at a broad swath of the player base


You should try my SP games. :smile:
When I play SP, it’s to make the game much harder.
Try fighting against an Arena Champion at level 20, with a kitted momentum, feasts in her inventory, legendary heavy armor on the beams at the top of the Well of Skelos entrance. :smile:
But I got your point.

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To make an analogy, I don’t think it was wrong for Abolitionists to divide themselves from their counterparts.

I believe PVP and PVE can function just fine in this game. PVE and PVP players can easily get along and those that do are great people. Those who don’t, I will be nice and say they should seek other games.


Those damn Exiles doing things in a different game mode than mine!


PvE and PvP players do get along. It’s the builders who are the problem, they are neither PvE or PvP players, yet they keep complaining and pushing the game in a wrong (boooring) direction.

Kill builders with fire, hang builders on the cross, impale builders, drown builders in Noob River, throw builders into the volcano, leave them builders in the desert for the sandstorm to tear their flesh off, test new fatalities on the builders, offer the builders as a food to the Darfari, cast them out to the jungle

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To the OP.
Is that supposed to be some kind of ultimatum?

All I’m going to say is:

For the sake of honesty, it must be stated that the feedback from the community often focuses on symptoms rather than causes, which makes it very, very hard to identify the actual issue to be changed.

That said, Funcom should’ve learned this by now.


That’s just not true. I’m playing this game for a while now and started with pvp years ago on a private 20 man server (open for anyone). I’ve seen the exploits and I’ve seen the complains.
Yes, some things were broken and exploits existed, but the big changes to mounted combat, pets and thralls weren’t based on exploits but on a) Funcoms ideas and b) crying on the forums aka feedback.
This for example:

There were a lot of those threads before Isle of Siptah was released and it was mainly people complaining about exactly “Pets too strong”, “Thralls too strong”.
Funny thing is that thralls today are way stronger than those mentioned in a four year old thread.

And still there would be such an easy solution for this:
an Admin command for

  • Thrall damage vs. x
  • Thrall damage vs. y
  • Thrall hp multiplier
    and the same for pets
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Absolutely. When I come upon an exploit I send a private bug report and so do my friends.

What doesn’t seem to happen is the cross referencing from the data to player outcry.

I’ve only seen 1 exploit I’ve reported get actioned on in a reasonable amount of time. Thankfully it wasn’t widespread, never a YT video made on it and wasn’t whispered about in the community


You just confirmed what I was saying with that post lol

Anyway, if you want me to dig up all the official announcements, patch notes and discussions that support my points, I will.

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AGAIN, we agree with you that FC fails miserably when it comes to balancing.
But FC is to blame for that, NOT the players.

You’re long enough on this form to know what‘s going on.

NOBODY cried for a tavern system, NOBODY cried for an overhaul of the dye bench of all things
 but we got it/will get it. :man_shrugging:

On the other hand A LOT of people cry for a fix of the thrall pots and pet feeder boxes SINCE OVER A YEAR!
 but nothing has happened.

A LOT of people cry for the pet rebalance they promised about ONE YEAR AGO!
 also didn’t happen

They even refuse to comment on those things.

So why do you think it makes sense to blame a specific demographic of players for FC’s nonsensical decisions?!
Why do you think they’re listening more to PvP players (which are a minority anyway), than to other players?

Did you see Andy‘s latest so called “Q&A” thread?

We didn’t get even a single reply to any of our questions.

Also, i did actually read through the whole thread you’ve linked there. I didn’t see a lot of PvP players complaining, mostly PvE folks.
I didn’t see any replies from the staff either.

It’s also a bit of an irony that you complained about thralls being too op YOURSELF in that specific thread.
And now you’re blaming other players for the bad state of thralls and pets?! :joy:


@Kikigirl , @biggcane55 and me don’t disagree with you on the nonsensical balancing.
But it doesn’t make sense to divide the players even further with such accusations.


I can’t say that I am totally thrilled byt the idea that one of my threads is used in this manner. I don’t feel the need to start nor contribute to any form of ‘anti Funcom’ movements.

Appearently many bugs are difficult to solve and yes, some are more then just an annoyance. The game is great and players play it at free will, no one is forced to do so.

I see that in most case Funcom takes my threads serious, even ask more questions to get the problem clear and I appreciate it.

So lets see things in the right perspective; it’s a great game, has a creative team working on it and yes there are silly and annoying bugs. That’s it. Let’s not start a crusade please.


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles bug
Sei que a funcom recebeu e estå ciente desse problema quando marcou " Report-Received" alguns deles ficam no link e obrigado por comentar :slightly_smiling_face: Se a funcom não resolver com a atualização de Age Of War 4 posso mostrar que esse bug acontece ou permanece para que possa ser investigado e ajustado por trazer muitas vantagens sobre outros jogadores que gastam os pontos em atributos e fazem menos que os que estão sabendo e deixando de colocar pontos para ganhar mais vida e força porque a estamina não funciona corretamente até o momento :sleepy:

Foi trancado mas foi recebido :star_struck: :raised_hands: :pray: :+1:

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“Report received” yeah
 let’s hope for the best :joy:

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I‘m sorry if it came across like that, i simply wanted to show our fellow exile that there is other things a lot of people concerned about, which seem to
 not get much attention.

And the very topic in your specific thread is something that people brought up multiple times.
In one of those threads a guy was asking how his base on a PvE server got destroyed.

I simply explained to him what‘s going on, just to provide some information. I didn’t insult anyone or criticize anyone, i just shared the information and tried to give some advice how to avoid that.

But my comment got silenced, and when i asked the staff member “why?”, my account got silenced for 2 weeks.

Reason: “would not listen to staff feedback”


And of course that was quite frustrating.
Doesn’t exactly encourage your customers to participate in discussions about their product.

But hey! 
 i‘m still here.
If i would hate FC, the community or the game i wouldn’t be here anymore.
I also don’t tell anyone to stop playing or blame them for having fun.

Ask @stelagel one of the most relaxed members of the community. NEVER would i blame someone for having fun or take anything away from them.
But i‘m not willing to eat all the crap we getting served either.
I‘m happy for everyone who doesn’t have any complaints and simply enjoys the game.


I think we’re all here because it is an amazing game.

We can both love it and be critical of it.

Doesn’t mean Funcom employees individually are to blame either
 the decisions from the ones who have the power though, there’s a lot to be critical about.


It was an amazing game and we all saw the potential for it to be even more so.
But at present, it seems that whoever is at the helm is deciding to make it something that this one distinctly considers amazing only in how frustrating and obtuse it has become.


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Funcom_Community

Concordo com os dois sim conan exiles Ă© incrĂ­vel alĂ©m de ser um jogo ele faz uma comunidade pvp pve pve-c e roleplay “RP” alĂ©m de ser um belo “RPG MAKER” podendo usar mapa exiles e siptah DLC e modificaçÔes mod muito importantes obrigado por da mais vida ao jogo
 Em resumo conan Ă© incrĂ­vel por funcionar de vĂĄrias formas mas tambĂ©m concordo que o jogo foi prejudicado na mecĂąnica assim que lançou atualização 3.0, teve alguns ajustes de BUG ajustado pela funcom obrigado @Community e muitos recursos portanto ainda espero ver melhoras pois entendo que estamos em ajustes constantes devido as inovaçÔes :star_struck:

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This :point_up_2:.

And this :point_up_2:.

UNfun is far from UNfun, he is literally fun.
But if i can translate his nickname better than it shows it would be

UNited fun!
People speak their soul because they are out of love with this game and probably this forum, understand nothing less please.