We're losing our patience with all the problems in game!

Exactly, without consequence.
Also, if things do go south, pear shaped, ect…
One tap or button click is complete escape.


Tell her that she needs to share you with us because we love you too.


Another player gone, PC here though but FUNCOM wont get any more of my money again ever


I‘m sure they will find a bunch of dune fanboys to fool into believing “it will be different this time, they learned their lesson with CE”.


If Dune is going to be released in early access I’ll skip it… Now it’s some kind of trend to charge for unfinished games and never actually finish them… Just pay us more so we can continue with development… Like Star Citizen, some SC players were not even born when the game had launched, and in second half of this year devs are to announce alpha 4.0… So it’s not even in beta…

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One of Conan Exiles’s devs said this once, and it was very much ahead of its time. Now we see it everywhere: our politics, our TV, our media.

“We take what works and intensify it.”

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Speak for yourself. My game runs just fine. People that are losing their patience shouldn’t force themselves to like a game they don’t enjoy.


Star citizen and Ashes of creation are just a con, people scammed of their money with no finished product in sight.
For Conan Exiles, Funcom never asked for money before shipping the product, which to be fair was playable and had content even in early access.

If you were present 7 years ago, you’d remember the entire game was very much a Community effort. The combat system alone mutated within one week after public pushes. It was very fluid and exciting, but it was a different time. I don’t know too many people who want to do that again, now, or anytime soon.


I started playing in 2019, and I was referring more to Isle of Siptah, which was my first experience of an early access from Funcom. Isle of Siptah felt good and I got my moneys worth which was 20 euro at a time.


I know this won’t be the most popular opinion, but I don’t care for some war on forum.
The game is on the way in a really wrong direction and I think a lot of the issues are pvp-related.
All the things that were fun in that game got nerfed into oblivion and I guess the game needs to go back to a point when this wasn’t the case.

  • make Pets useful again. Nobody really cares if your Greater Jaguar can kill other players or even tank a boss mob. That’s not a relevant balancing issue.
  • make more than one type of Thrall useful again. Nobody really cares if a named Dog of the Desert NPC on level 20 has identical stats to Dalinsia on level 20.
  • bring back the old purge meter. I don’t want to build a labyrinth around my treasure hoard and press a button for a raid. I’m ok with filling a purge meter and not being fully prepared in a base for an assault. This is what made purges fun.
  • Either tone down the damage from npc in the world or give them a stamina bar. I can’t tell how often I got locked into an endless combo from an npc archer and just died because I ran out of dodges and the “gamble” latency.

Yes, we all know “but PvP” is an argument for nerfing everything to the ground but in the end your changes destroyed most of the pve by doing this.
We have server running for 6 years now and it’s successful because people enjoyed the game as it was with Isle of Siptah and even the Age of Sorcery.
Now you broke all of the above mentioned, because what?
Someone got hit by a white tiger in a pvp scenario? Someone lost vs. an Archer on a horse? Someone got trampled?
Sure, you can try to completely rebuild the game about pvp, but in that case you’ll lose 3/4 of your player base. If you haven’t already.


Overall i agree with most of your points.

But you lost me there. None of FC‘s nonsensical decisions are related to PvP. They obviously refuse to listen to anyone.
Nobody wants weak thralls and pets.

It’s wrong to think it’s the PvP-, PvE- or RP-folks fault.
Did you see their latest live stream?
They are simply clueless.
They don’t cater to a specific group of players.


I think they always grab ideas from other beloved games and try to shoehorn them somehow into CE. They’re trying desperately to keep the game alive somehow before it completely flatlines.

Remember doom and god of war, do you remember the fatalities? Yeah let’s have that… just more clunky.

Remember elden ring everyone? The game is pretty difficult but people liked it… so lets create difficulty (in the cheapest way possible) and have some enemies hitting ridiculously hard and have them laser focused, and spinning mid air/mid combo without even telegraphing.
The animations have never been as good as in mentioned games or most other games i played so far. But now it’s just silly. (Rollerskating elephants and what not).

The game simply loses its identity. FC tries to copy other much more successful games but fails miserably.
CE‘s tone swings wildly between “survival game wannabe”, an incoherent MMO/action adventure, a cheap souls like ripoff and clumsy hack and slash.
… And manages to succeed at neither one nor the other.

The balancing doesn’t make a lick of sense for the most part.
God bubbles are a great example.
They could make it impossible to raid someone.
Solution? …Not reworking/rebalancing them or something…
no let’s remove them.
Let’s make gods much weaker but give them a longer timer… now it takes a skyscraper sized creature 10 minutes to deal damage to a relatively small t3 base…
Immersive isn’t it?

And with the next update we are able to 2 shot a god with the ballista… great balancing…

It simply doesn’t make sense what they do, to nobody. :man_shrugging:


Thanks for speaking up, couldn’t have done it better myself!

And these were very specific cases that were exploits.

So again, treating the problem and not the cause.


No reason to thank me lady, as i said to @Croms_Faithful once, we’re sitting in the same boat.
Sure the game has different modes, but the mechanics are the same for EVERYONE.
The drastic reduction of hyper armor and the constant staggering it results in, is equally annoying on PvP and PvE.

What is really sad at times is the fact that the forum is littered with great ideas.

(Got mentioned quite often) but they could have simply allowed shooting inside the bubbles, but the owners, their followers and buildings could get additional buffs. While attackers get debuffs, and/or the bubble adds corruption to enemies.

Or golems would be much more useful for PvP AND PvE if their buffs would affect everyone in range (including followers) EVEN while on guard.
…A better harvesting rate would also help of course.

But we had that discussion many times basically.
FC always boosts stuff to god tier an ruins it afterwards (#SoC).

I can’t remember where it was, but @CodeMage mentioned in some thread there was a test server with selected people.
And @CodeMage got the chance to talk to one of them when that person left the group.
And he said FC seems not to care about any feedback, nevermind criticism.
(Correct me if I misunderstood something @CodeMage )

I guess we can just hope the player counts, and the outrage of various well known content creators will finally open their eyes.

But the latest live stream didn’t exactly hype us up. Would not surprise me if they end the support for CE if the player counts don’t raise again in the near future.

But hope dies last! We are willing to die on that hill! :joy:


A lot of the changes were because of PvP. That doesn’t necessarily mean they improved pvp.
But I remember we had the discussion about
-pets being too op in pvp
-sorcery is too strong in pvp
-mounts are too strong in pvp
-thralls destroying me in pvp
And if you have game that is hard to balance from day because you don’t have a huge balance deparment inside your company they’ll always choose the easy way out: nerf stuff until no one complains about it being too strong anymore.
And we are at this point of the game where everything got nerfed.
Most of the above mentioned things had NO negative effect on pve and yet here we are.

That doesn’t mean Funcom doesn’t find other things to destroy even without the community complaining. I mean look at legendary weapons - another thing uncalled for.

All of these were either misunderstood cries or a result of EXPLOITS.

And in perfect Funcom fashion, they don’t fix the actual cause, they treat a symptom.

Anyway, they didn’t nerf pets because of PVP, Funcom nerfed them to rework them with a promise of an overhaul which they have not come good on. PVP players are just as disgruntled as other modes about this.

Sorcery was never intended and never truly was too OP. It was lightning storm, mainly, 1 shotting building pieces and placeables with thousands of HP. Can you imagine a vault being 1 shot? Ok, now think about how that affects players. It was a mistake entry in the data tables.

Again, mounts were NEVER the problem. It was an exploit that still exists today to a degree that was never addressed. PVE could use this exploit and some probably have.

Thralls were overhauled due to the ideal of the player being the hero, not standing by idle while it wrecks the Red Mother.

I’m not sure if you realize but 90-95% of PVP is PVE. With that and the consideration of the game as a whole, these changes were regarding the whole game. Not to benefit PVP. We’re all suffering from poor balancing and reworks.

You shouldn’t be trying to divide the different modes, we should be banding together to ask for better. All this does is segregate players. Divide and conquer, if you will.


The reason we (pvp) get the blame is because to last on pvp we have to min max the PVE part to maintain existence on the server. Thus we find serious balance issues, exploits, etc way faster. PVE is a more casual experience in general. And thus something OP just makes it more casual and is not seen as a problem to a large part of that player base. TBH, PvPers are the main test QA for this game as far as mechanics and how they balance overall.




I mentioned the nonsensical balancing of pets, thralls and enemies in the world. Each of which affects all modes.
The increased damage taken/received as i said is probably an attempt to draw some souls like enjoyers in. But it makes the farming of armors and shieldwrights unrewarding in many cases.
Why farming all that stuff if it doesn’t make a huge difference anyways?
And there is nobody else to blame besides FC!

People who complain about followers being too strong are usually the same people complaining about the Siege of Al-Merayah being too difficult.

It’s supposed to be an ARMY, it’s the stygians military base to conquer the exiled lands!
Complaining about not being able to solo it head on is nonsense.
To charge solo into an by far superior enemy will have horrific consequences.

And if players take the time to built an army of followers they should be an equally challenging force, no matter the mode. I played mostly PvE (lately not even that) and followers are in a bad spot indeed.

But trust me FC doesn’t cater to a specific demographic of players. Can’t remember a single PvP player crying for a tavern system.

No matter PvP or PvE a lot of people got upset about the tavern system.
Siege elephants with multiple seatings for archers on their back and/or a ballista mounted on them, would have been something people could enjoy no matter the mode. (Or 2 different “saddles” one with a ballista mounted on it, and one with a bunch of seats for archers).
Or even dragon mounts and SIEGE DRAGONS (including fire breath) would have been a thing EVERYONE could enjoy.

That also sounds much more like age of WAR doesn’t it?

And regarding sorcery, some combat spells would also be appreciated by pretty much everyone.
Sorcery is clunky, and besides teleport stone and circle of power… not exactly great.
Some people don’t like the bat spell because it makes the concept of building in an isolated area that isn’t easy to reach, much more difficult.
But i didn’t see anyone complaining sorcery is overpowered.


Exactly! I usually see the different modes as different levels of difficulty.

SP = easy mode (you can test everything including admin panel)
PvE = medium difficulty (you got to survive on your own and accept the consequences of your actions)
PvP-C = high difficulty (you have to survive and deal with other players)

PvP = nightmare mode (you have to be as efficient as possible, min max everything and keep track of the other players on the server… simply to survive)

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