Worst Month in 2 Years

Dear Funcom,

Conan Exiles has hemorrhaged players this chapter. It just had the worst month of server pop since March '22, according to Steam Charts. I guess everyone finally ran out of thralls that died to stunlock and got tired of the janky combat. Hopefully, people voting with their feet has showed you that these changes you’ve implemented did not improve the game. In fact, they made it worse. Please consider this result as evidence that people are very unhappy with the state of the game. Make changes accordingly.



Aleast 12 friends of me quitted from Conan because Thralls ARE useless NOW , they all got tired from funcom dont fixing old problems and always changing things players dont asked like combat , weapons in Ice forge , pets and Thralls they moved to Ark ascended

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Thrall issues, problems with Official moderation, lack of communication and transparency and bugs.


If we could hava a screenshot about players playing in herbal and haunch meta, the numbers would have been great.

Oh look, another game is dying thread. Linking Steam charts doesn’t cover PlayStation numbers, Xbox numbers or Gamepass. So whilst Steam may give you insight into one sector of the player base, it doesn’t give you a picture of the entire player base.


On playstation just one server full on about 60. How do you consider this game? Alive? 1 server PVP 40/40 and the 2th has 18 players max.
I think the disasters they did in the last patch were decisive to kill this game .


Here’s an interesting question. When eventually the numbers dip low enough that they close their servers, I wonder how many are going to stick around here?

I’ll be around for a few years or longer yet. I don’t chase trends, and half of the games I play haven’t been relevant in over 25 years anyway.

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They probably won’t shut down the servers right away, I guess the first sign that something is going on will be another server merge
fewer servers = less cost and most importantly some players from those servers they deleted will switch to the ones that are left so the rest of the servers won’t be half empty

Personally I have a character in CE with 3k hours of gameplay which is my absolute record for the whole time I’ve been playing games
yes there are games where I spent similar game time but usually with more characters when I played it in a different way etc…
I’d be sorry to lose it and I don’t really know if I’d feel like starting again, but I’m pretty sure the rest of the clan would 100% quit

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Most definitely. And there is trends on their end that are the basis for doing that, not the one’s screenshotted from a third party website. This game has had larger dips in the past and there wasn’t even a notion of shutting down or merging servers in those days.

My recommendation is not to get so fixated on a single character. I mean you’re going to do you and do what you think is right for you. But in my experience, there’s no functional difference between a character with 3000 hours played and one who has 100 hours played.

Try it sometime. Load up on another server and just tinker with an alt for a while. See how long it actually takes to reach parity with you’re main. You’ll quickly find that within weeks of casual play, you’ll be right back up to where you were before. The only difference is you experience a part of the game you haven’t in a long time. I won’t say its the best part of the game, nor will I even say its particularly great, but its there and its something many haven’t experienced in a while.

When I first played this game. I had around 800 hours played in vanilla, non-modded settings. I had no intention of doing mods. And after that amount of time I was ready to move on and even more so spurred by the fact that the server my friends and I were playing on was no longer up. Now… I could still play my character, as we had a copy of the map. But that wasn’t really the same.

I don’t know what really got me back in, but when I did I got to play around a bit with some new character concepts and other things that were relatively new at the time. Got some more time in and played on a server that had a periodic wipe, but since I was in with a dedicated group, starting over wasn’t a problem. Its always better with friends after all.

I won’t go into my experience with mods after that since this isn’t really the thread for it, and they aren’t exactly needed to keep the game fresh (they help, I won’t lie). But over the years I’ve floated around between different server types and recreated over 20 characters in that time, with each one reaching, 60, having full kits, and decently built bases. Each time gets a bit easier and quicker (even more so now we don’t need T4’s to save on mats).

I know what logging into a character on a daily basis for years is like. I’ve done it in MMORPGs, and I’ve quickly learned that if you’re just doing the same mundane thing over and over just because of sunk cost, its not actually worth it. I mean it is called Sunk Cost Fallacy for a reason.

And to be honest its probably the biggest thing hurting this game. Players log in, refresh decay. Farm some legendaries they have a dozen copies off, and occasionally farm up some stone, wood, iron, and other basic materials. Not because its fun for them (though they may try to justify it to themselves), but because they feel they need to. Because they like you, have several hundred or thousand hours into a character and that must be upkept.

And that inflates the numbers of how many are playing. I would challenge the steam numbers. They probably inflate the numbers 1000% of what active players playing the game are. With the other 90% just maintaining. Everyone who logins, refreshes their decay, and walks around a bit checking their crafting stations, counts as a steam login for that day, even if they don’t do anything else.

In reality there is probably around 1,000 or so players a day actively playing across all three platforms. Outside of a surge on major updates like Siptah and the initial release of a new chapter, the game has been actually ‘dead’ for about 3 years. Refreshers and serial maintainers (though some may argue on the semantics of what that consitutes) have been artificially keeping the numbers up for a very long time.


When Funcom inevitably winds the servers down, it would be nice if they implement the ability to use Battlepass and BLB purchases offline


So I tried singleplayer (boring) and other servers , I also tried Siptah but somehow I wasn’t interested.

Technically if I start a new character I’ll never get to the same level of knowledge as I have with the current one - some things ( and it’s not just BP) just can’t be learned anymore.

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It would be nice, but it won’t happen, because that would make it really easy to “pirate” BP and BLB stuff.

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Lol, because cheesing the battle pass in single player where you teleport around, spawn in enemies and spawn items makes sense.

Nah, not having the items available offline is a dyck move.

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Hey, I didn’t say I agreed with Funcom. I just said I don’t think they’ll do it, for such-and-such reasons. FWIW, “pirating” BP and BLB in offline mode is doable right now, you just have to have some technical know-how :wink:

I haven’t done it, because I have no interest in it, but I know exactly how I would go about it and there’s nothing they could do to stop that from happening. The whole fight against piracy is like that: you don’t have to make it impossible to pirate stuff, you just have to make it so that the alternatives are better enough that the average person will opt for them instead :slight_smile:


They did a decent job at increasing player base with the new age system but now they are losing all the progress with worsening buggy patches and arbitrary design changes that no one asked for.
Game is unplayable in official servers atm.

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Competing Intellectual Properties will do that to a company.

Remember Everquest? Remember when Everquest 2 came out?

Probably the most relevant scenario to Conan today. They’re working on another project, which is using a new engine. That new engine is so shiny and new, no one can drive it, but they’re trying hard to make it street legal. Meanwhile, their daily driver is rusted away, needing repairs. In the end, they’re going to be taking the bus.

No one played Everquest 2 because it catered to .000001% of the gaming community Everquest had. Everyone stopped playing Everquest, because the company neglected it over their shiny new car.

Major bugs in Conan… LONG Lasting Bugs that have been in Conan for more than 6 months will eat away at a player base.

Maybe Funcom should kick the greedy pricks from Tencent out the door. There is def a management issue at the top boardroom.

The prices are going insane… less items in a Bazaar bundle while raising the price. Not a good idea especially when they are losing players.

well, that’s a wonderful argument - so the current system when it’s 50/50 when I want to make something, I find out that I have to relog in because when playing online on the official server, the client “forgot” that I bought the things it’s ok ?

Everquest 2 released in 2004. Everquest 1 hit a record amount of concurrent subscriptions in 2005 with Omens of War. To SOE’s credit they never neglected EQ. When they became Daybreak they had some issues (well one major issue that they gifted to Blizzard) but nowadays EQ1 is doing quite, especially with its progression servers. They even came up with new server configurations that doubled their server capacity from 5,000 to 10,000. Its not uncommon to see a new server cap out these days either.

Worst case scenario for Conan will be a sunset of development. That’s when the playerbase will ultimately (maybe) find something else to play and sink their costs into. But after that initial drop it will have a revival as no more development means many mods will no longer need frequent updates and modders will not fear their work being upended due to said updates. There will be quite a few playing long after Funcom moves on. Maybe more than the current -Active- playerbase as I defined above.


We, the fanbois of CE, will bear the objective lesson to be learned again.

I remember those EQ days well. While EQ may have kept going, the audacity of Verant to split the player base allowed the upstart Blizzard to scoop up all their gamers. EQ could have updated their engine and added new content. They probably would have ended WoW before it even started.

Like Verant, they have 1 team working on 2 games, using 2 engines, and the same Blueprints for their flagship game. It isn’t going well for them. Nor us. Blueprint fixes for an UE5 Dune will not find their way back to an UE4 Conan Exiles.