I spend a lot of time in this game. But now i have concerns about Siptha and all what comes now.
Update 2.3 was a massive Change in the Game. But it was only good for PvE Players. The new healing system is a Joke. No better word can suscribe this Sorry. Pvp want fun in their fights and not this realistic s.h.t like bandage with Animations. Or a Animation for drink a potion. When a PvP Player drink a heal he dies!! Wow awesome. Best Change ever. Sarcasm over!
Undermeshing is no longer a option. Thats Good nur what about Spamming? Why is it not possible spots of Ressource to make a no build zone??
The Support of Conan Exiles on Console is the biggest Joke that i ever see in the Story of Gaming. Sorry. 20 Players send Report for a Server where every Place is a tempel Spamming. Tue Support do nothing. The Server is Dead 1 Year ago and the tempel spam is already there.
Thralls vs Player. You guys of Funcom ever Play PvP? I dont think so. A Teimos can 1 shot every Player with a Perfect Armor? Really? Better fix the Thrall vs Player System before you so something at the heal system.
You want Money for the Siptha Map ? Fix point 1-4. Than you can take Money from ppl. Thx!