This is getting way ridiculous

I discover these new spells one by one and every time i’m amazed how the game gets destroyed more and more. Didn’t Funcom use common sense with this update? There’s no point in playing PvP anymore, PvE might still be ok since the harrypottering doesn’t have that much of an effect there. What a waste of money this turned out to be, if i’d known never had i payed for this nonsense.


well i not even sure pve is still ok; game has become so easy, you can kill a 3 skulls boss naked now, you can run dungeon dodging all monster with invisibikity untill final boss and do speed run farming, your are an heroe for sure… but i am not so sure that people who have more than 15 years will be interested. and i m not sure the public of conan is under 15 years


I will keep this as my own!


Hey, where’s my avada kedavra? Where can I learn dispelliarmus? Both would be super-useful in the game.

Instead I get all this crap that is based on some random 1930’s nutjob author’s pulp novellas.

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Update was free but destroyed original conan hence the waste.


Sounds like Sorcery needs some tweaking. I have not tested it personally, nor do I pvp in CE so wouldn’t had feedback regarding it in that lens either.

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How? Does it create a new level of balancing? Yes no different than religions did or trebs or anything else.

To the OP, PVP isn’t dying because of added content. It’s dying because of the toxicity of PVP…like those three letters magically allow you to be an @$$ to other players without consequence. People walk when they are treated that crap.


Speak for yourselves.

This has been the most fun update I’ve been a part of in Conan Exiles. My private server has been active and I am having a blast.


The teleporting…I am just now playing with it…too fun and to know my goods can be stored away from the crafting zones in a small little bunker…awesome.


You could solo 3 skulls begore the update naked


Its not honestly as bad as people make it out to be, i dont get why lightning is such a huge focus of pvpers because bombs can level a structure faster… thralls never stood a chance at defending offline raids before the update so any arguement involving that is invalid, the bats landing on the roof thing is a rediculous arguement, build your roof with ramps and other structure pieces that dont allow bomb placement…

Theres just alot of people who like every other update dont want to adapt

EDIT: also on the lightening: its good it can hit inside a base - keep those who base sit and wall spam on thier toes more it also made the most difficult sieges like ceiling bases a bit more raidable


“Pvp is dieing”, lol servers seem way more active to me than pre update i wonder if he has statistics


Spoken like someone who doesn’t play PvP. There are plenty of survival/sandbox/PvP games out there that have a larger player base that are not nearly as intriguing. So, why is that? It’s because the balance in this game is horrendous and Funcom takes far too long to act, if they act at all. LS has made it so extreme that many people don’t want to put in the effort to build up if any random can come knock it all down effortlessly.

This game deserves a larger playerbase, but it will never achieve that until there is a lot of thought and consideration put into balancing. Instead of actually gaining players patches like this will actually cause the game to lose population. Whether you play PvP or not, this should be concerning to you as it will affect you over time.

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Forgive me but I find this statement disingenuous when we were staring down a bomb dupe glitch several months ago that the servers are still suffering from with the inventories still out there. You want me to feel bad about LS able to crack open bases when there are still thousands of ill-gotten bombs that were exploited into existence? Where raiding was/is literally removing every block from a base? Yeah your complaint sounds more like an alpha that wishes to remain secured in an excessive amount of blocks than any concern about balance.
If you are actually concerned about balance, you would still demand a complete wipe of all explosive jars from all inventories across officials.


I wouldn’t demand a wipe, with the increased rates across official right now it’s completely doable to have a chest full of DP after a couple days of farming & raiding. I did however suggest some fresh servers for 3.0, so for the people who wanted to play on a fresh official server they could do so. Why Funcom chose not to offer at least some fresh servers for 3.0 is baffling. But then again I can’t really agree with a lot of their decision making as of late.

But let’s be clear, dupe or no dupe, LS is a completely different beast when it comes to PvP. The ability needs fixed, like two weeks ago.

Or change your tactics. This is no different than an avatar as far as damage goes and avatars are dirt cheap when you got the right sigil to use…moderately annoying if you dont. I will say that I have no vested interest in the LS debate because it doesn’t affect me or my base designs whatsoever (which is why I’m saying you may have a tactics issue). It does add an additional weapon I can use in solo raiding so I lean to keeping it that way but I can accept whatever works for the majority of folks…however to come on here and say ‘it’s unplayable’…please…that’s whining. It’s META for sure but I don’t remember folks claiming that the game is dying because of horse meta…so why is this meta so much more broken than previous meta? I just don’t understand what the big deal is…outside of everyone now have bases that were designed to not take these into account…which IMHO adds flavor to the game that was getting stale.


Completely incorrect. It is very different from an avatar. An avatar requires 500 tokens to activate, a named thrall sacrifice and you can see the player coming across the map. A much larger time investment on the part of the raider. Additionally, you can’t stack multiple avatars unless you have a large clan, even if you did the risk vs reward is so completely different in favor of LS it’s incredible. LS makes avatar’s and trebs completely pointless. The only value of even making jars or arrows anymore is to cause very specific damage.


If you are doing risk vs reward, you would naturally come to the conclusion that raiding is a pointless endeavor regardless. At the very best, it’s simply a competition and the real win is if you can take the valuable real estate because the mats and gear stolen are already stuff you have in spades. The real loot is land.

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I don’t follow you, I would say the vast majority of pvp player’s raid for loot (to negate more farming) as opposed to land conquering. Regardless that has nothing to do with risk vs reward I mentioned or the topic at hand.