This is my first and only PVP online game. I played it PVE for a while, which doesn’t prepare you for PVP. I absolutely love this game. I like developing my character and fighting guerilla wars. I usually solo and I enjoy the strategy and tactics of solo play. I don’t even mind the cheaters. You got a flying base? I’ll find it and destroy it. You duping? I’ll steal all that good stuff.
I do suck at fighting and I blow myself up a lot with the bombs, but I am relentless, and I am getting better. Few days ago I took out some golems with lightening storm and then robbed the base of nothing. They had nothing. LOL
I see a lot of complaints about nerfs and other changes. I don’t know about any of that. I just love the Conan world and playing in it.
Thanks to FUNCOM for all the hard work. If I could change one thing, I would like more magic spells. I’ve read all the Conan books. Lots of spells in there. Also some druids. Kung Fu type martial arts in the books. So much material to work with. I look forward to whatever the game gives me next.
I think, amongst all the feedback, it is good to remember how awesome this game has been. This is my favorite survival game; you can tell it was crafted by people who loved Howard’s work.
I have owned this game from day one. I was so excited when I watched the announcement video discussing what they wanted to achieve with this game.
Is it perfect? No.
Have I agreed with every change made? Nope.
Has this game given me awesome memories? Certainly.
Your whole post is totally my opinion too @cimbriiblood . I am just too adaptive so no matter if i disagree with something i will play it and enjoy it at the end nonetheless. My worst period in this game was when the moon was gone. Call me weirdo, i deserve it , i didn’t like eclipse and i never enjoyed the game to servers without night, something was missing. @Taijibum your feedback is precious, we really need to know if new players like what they play .
The thing here is, Funcom is trying to adhere as closely as possible to Robert E. Howard’s original works only, rather than the “expanded” lore written by later authors. It’s still a very rich world with lots of material to act as inspiration, but if you want to set realistic expectations to what kind of features we’re going to see in the game, that’s where you need to look.
It is a great game! Stopped playing for awhile when absolutely everything in the game was free (through skull- and blood crystal trade, etc.). The game was for a while utterly pointless. Now that we again have to actually do something again to craft explosives and building materials, I’m back. Enjoying the game as much as before.
sadly you will only need to farm a few bombs for placeables, for structure you will be able to acquire the battering ram for free even at lvl5, and that will allow to break any t3 foundations, walls, in few seconds. but you will see that in a few days when a guy at lvl 10 will loot you with battering ram in few mn when you will have a dinner and be offline for 30mn.
That is the case on pvp, isn’t it? In official servers you just cannot miss 30 min on pvp hours without worrying that someone will raid you. But yes, OP things that comes with each update are not so pleasant because “balance” is lost. Yet if a new player will offline raid you @azaroth, i pity him .
:)and you are right too as i will find him but as you stated problem is balance, i imagine all new players that will invest lot of time to build their base, and that will lost all to a guy in few mn (that do not even invested time to prepare the raid). i mean this thing is even make bombs obselete… and well we cannot even say that balance was here before this new stuffs, as there was already a problem of balance on how easy it was to break any base, even if very well build. but it just continue to go worst and worst on same direction that make all pvp server empty. i remenber a time where raid were taking time, because hard to farm bomb, because thralls (even if there was no problem to kill them) were taking TIME to kill. and the fun thing is that lead designer said that in chapter 3 a lot will be give to pvp player, well i think he missed the point of the feedback done and what are asking the few pvp players of officials that have not yet quit.
What a beautiful conversation. Let me go back a bit my friend. Ceronesthes, after his departure from this forum, he made a video explaining how pve is standing in front of pvp and almost the whole community agreed that pve should be less in pvp. So devs did it.
After everything in this map started to become easy, the pvp community begs to have back the difficult pve .
I am joking mostly, i hope you get my spirit, but between joke and truth, this is happening, isn’t it?
Look, i respect all the opinions, especially the ones that comes for players that’s burned as i am and more.
I do share your passion and love for this game and i do respect your feedback, worry not brother.
well a game too easy has not interested except if you aim for 5 year old, and that worth for both pve and pvp (i never understood why an opposition beetwen those 2 gameplay) what most pve player do no understand is that pvp players are in fact mostly pve player that simply like the risk to loose all if they do error (in term of survival).
the only difference that matter to do, is the way to admin official server, admin problems of pvp server are not the same than pve server.
and a game not balanced is a game that die, because nobody want to play a game where you spend 25 hours to build a base, and that someone can just spend 30mn to destroy it (time to set up what needed + time to destroy). and the fact is that nobody can be online for 5h every day. all survival game that i know have mecanism of strong defense that take time to pass. because the point is not to say that this is unacceptable to be raided when offline, but that it should take some time to break a base.
I mean let take in exemple the new castle siege, actually i just need to climb, break a wall with battering ram in 10sec, and kill the boss with a bow in few sec too. but even in this situation game design had the need to add 4 free bombs in a cart…if you use battering ram and even blow all doors, it will take what ? 2mn ? and even in this situation the lead game designer (as he said in the stream about the siege) added 4 free bomb to help people to open the door… what to say… play the game ?
and well better resume that i can do, just logged to live beta server and my base was totally demolished (after 6 months) wonder what have been used ?
That may be true for killing bosses, but everything (killing) around that is (most likely) trash. It gets ignored because it is not useful to pvp.
If you want a long session on singleplayer, keep the admin mode up. It’s a free panel. I mean, it’s there. I try to stay out of it unless I need to test things.
good exemple of what i was explaining, have you ever played on a conan pvp official server ? because on offi pvp you will see only 20% of people that like to attack or raid, most of pvp people playing on pvp official server prefer a defensive gameplay
conan has never been rust, and pvp officals incorporate pve and even some rp players. i mean i can play on pvp offical with pop of 10-15 and not been attacked for months. and if i play it is to be here to defend when i will be attacked, or to retaliate when i have been attacked (and this is the behavior of a large majority of conan pvp official players)
and again on a pvp offical activity of players are 80% pve. situation is more different on private pvp servers where activity can be more oriented on pvp.
Why, can you share more of this opinion please. I learned almost everything i know about the lore, here in this Forum.
I really enjoy reading the lore from players. Thank you in advance .
The whole pve concept is against the lore of Conan.
Like I said many times already in other topics when Conan went live 7 years ago there was almost no existing pve servers. Conan was meant to be played pvp. And it was logical because this world is full of tribes and barbarians. Clan fights, canibalism, kill or get killed. That is what the original devs imagined for Conan Exile to be. They said so themselfs years back. Until they all left and the game shifted more and more to pve.
Over the years this game has seen so many game devs. And that is why we have seen too many nonesense overhauls. Every new dev crew came up with something new. And since 3.0 the game took the ultimate turn to pure pve content. Because pve and rp players are willing to pay insanely high bazar prices. They see a skin or a new building set and open up their wallets.
Since 3.0 all the devs are doing is selling pve players nonsense updates. Its not about the game itself anymore, its not about fixing bugs or implementing things that make sense and are thought through. Its about comming up with some new shenenigan bullcrap every 3 month they can call “work in progress” so they can generate al lot of money with the bazar. And those money goes straight into the pockets of those shareholders. Once enough people stop buying they will abandon the game.
That is how this corporate companies like Tencent work. They only care for Conan as long as they can milk it.
Devs just make the content and scenes. The selling is done by anybody with sales experience. Good and bad.
Well, okay. Fashion is a big thing, even in games. Look at Second Life. It continues to grow with new fashion the people make.
Tencent hasn’t reared its head in the forums or in the game. If the game has real estate, it will be found with companies like Tencent. It’s their thing, culture.
I’ve seen a few games that advertise Early Access while it turns into something else. Disgusting.
It takes about five years to develop a game. It takes no time for 0-day exploits to ruin it all. There is more than one reason about the silence driven here, to that point.