Inability to fix bugs and optimise game performance is killing the game

Conan Exiles on steam is at its lowest player count since February 2019. Funcom keep pushing content updates, further breaking the game and increasing performance issues. The new inventory, ui, and thrall systems still haven’t been fixed after months since their update. Worst of all, hackers and cheaters infest every official server and there is nothing Funcom can do to stop them. The hack developers are far more competent.

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Things to remember though:

  • a number of other new games launched recently that have attracted players;
  • the game has been active for 7 years - a long time for many games;
  • To show a good comparison, show the monthly player numbers since release date;
  • Check the player numbers after the next Age of Heroes chapter (always a spike after some new content added);
  • Have you any stats for the private, unofficial servers? A lot of players move if they get sick of the toxicity on Officials.

Thanks for posting.


:point_up: That could be any of us - playing on a Conan Exiles private PvP server:


Yet they still to this day change core aspects of the game which no one has ever asked or even hinted for.

Honestly the Official servers are more populated than the private ones these days since all the dedicated players have all but left the game (This is all from pure PvP pov btw it might be different for PvE but idk)

Honestly everything OP has said is all factually correct especially about the hack developers being more competent than ■■■■■■■

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