We're losing our patience with all the problems in game!

It‘s actually pretty simple.

You buy a product.
If you don’t like it you go for a refund or simply don’t use it.

So it happened when i was playing dauntless, a free to play game with cross platforming.
They changed some core mechanics.
I didn’t like those changes, left and never came back again.

But i didn’t invest a lot of time on that game.

Now let’s talk about CE.
(Can’t speak for everyone but i‘m sure a lot of people can relate to my pov.)

A sandbox game like CE with almost unlimited possibilities is basically what every gamer dreams of.
I started playing after release, and a lot didn’t work. So i stopped playing. From time to time i came back to check out if it has improved.
It took some time but it did!

Before Aos hit i had a great time playing it on ps4 pro. Besides some small things here and there it was great and i spent about 1800 hours in the game.
I also purchased all the DLC‘s back then. They’ve been worth it and added a lot.

Then AoS hit, fvcked up my game and i left again.
I wasn’t playing AoS at all. Didn’t touch the game during that age.

I came back during AoW chapter 1. Now on ps5.
And at first glance it looked like some things have improved.
But… now i would have to repeat myself.

Long story short, if a product doesn’t work you just leave it behind. Like i did with dauntless.

But all those “silly” people you can’t understand, are not willing to accept if a product that improved and finally worked after some patience, gets shredded by people who aren’t grateful in the slightest.

If someone would come to your home and destroys whatever is important for you, you wouldn’t accept that either would you?

IF you could accept that… well… good for you i guess.


@UNfun It appears it is a sunk cost issue with what you’ve described. And I get it, if you’ve bought every DLC, that’s easily a hundred USD spent. Plus more spent on the Bazaar if applicable.

If we’re talking a tangible object, no obviously not, and I would seek legal recompense. But as for a live product in active development like this game is. Things are different (I’m stating a fact, not a acceptance of it, that’s a whole other topic into itself). Being as my experience in CE is different, I’ll have to use another game as an example.

Everquest 2, specifically the Blood of Luclin expansion. EQ2 is a game I started playing in 2007. The expansion in question caused me to stop playing in 2020. Now I hadn’t that game for the entire 13 year stretch, but it was one that I went back and forth from other MMORPGs and probably the one I played the most, easily more time spent than even CE (which I have probably around 5,500 hours), and spent far more on due to it being a subscription based game as well as products in the shop. Easily 7-8x as much spent as CE.

The BoL expansion was quite frankly, boring, underwhelming, and the core mechanics were just made worse. They had gotten bad in a previous expansion, but they were not improved upon. Now… the servers ran fine (SoE/Daybreak has pretty decent server tech in most of their games), but that was about all there was. I can’t say there was any notable glitches, but it was seriously just so boring and tedious to play that I bounced. I canceled my sub, and haven’t played live EQ2 since.

Nearly a decade an a half of enjoyment, and just about $1,000 spent just got tore up with one expansion pretty much. But the reason I didn’t try to stick it out is I didn’t see the value in doing so. I figured there was much better games to spend my time and money on. While it does sting a bit to know the time and money is effectively lost at this point, I just didn’t see the point of logging in a few times a week just to see if it would improve when there was so many other options out there that I knew would give me enjoyment, satisfaction, and entertainment.

I don’t expect you to answer this (its halfway rhetorical, but feel free to, I’m curious), but if you were in my shoes, would you have stayed till the next expansion?

When I put myself in your shoes, and others like you. Its clear to me the game deserves an uninstall and greener pastures should definitely be sought.

Again my experiences in CE have been vastly different. I’ve been fortunate in that regard, and I acknowledge that. I’ve also had opportunities, particularly during Age of Sorcery that give insights that most don’t have so I can see where I believe the level of competence is.

I don’t expect you to take me at my word. Even if you did believe me. That’s irrelevant to you. What is relevant is when you login to the game, do you feel better for it when you log off. I say that because I’m not going to sit here and say the problems you have don’t exist, or aren’t that bad, nor do I think those having issues that I don’t as being ‘silly’. You have them. And you want them fixed.

I would too in your position. At least to a point, as mentioned in the above example. But that is why I asked what it was that you find fun in the game still, because it is a genuine curiosity. You’ve found something to keep you invested much more so then I had in EQ2.

Again don’t feel compelled to answer, but whatever that reason is, is it actually worth staying for? Normally I would suggest taking a break and coming back. But in your case specifically, you’ve already done that.

Until quite recently I had the game unistalled. Playing on PS5 was not a pleasant experience for me any longer. I wasn’t sure I would come back if things didn’t improve. I kept an eye on the forum to see what was going on, still hoping the game would get better.

It wasn’t the game getting better that made me come back. It was the positivity of @stelagel . So, I decided to give it a go, even if I was very aware of the problems.
Yes, combat wasn’t in a good place and thralls had gone crazy. Yes, there were still bugs, glitches, exploits and crashes.
However, what would you know? Performance was actually better. Previously invisible items were showing, textures were rendering more smoothly, some gripes I had were resolved… and I don’t believe this was even announced, at least that I read. So, work had been done. Although new problems had been introduced and some old problems remained, there was an attempt to fix things.

This is what still gives me hope. I’m writting this after having my saved game data corrupted and knowing it’s better to start a new game than restoring the game from the cloud. I got a little carried away and I built over the whole map, had too many thralls, etc.

But until that point, the game wasn’t giving me more problems than expected (and tolerated). It was playable and enjoyable.

I think there’s too much negativity going on. It’s not good for players, for developers, for anyone.

If you guys are so burned by this game, then you should consider moving on and cut ties. If I had lost the hope of improvement, I would, like I did in other games. You had thousands of hours of fun. Now it seems this game is making you miserable and it’s sad to watch the amount of negativity that permeates the whole forum. It’s a settled mood already and I don’t think anything positive will come out of it.

Devs are aware of the problems. There’s only so much they can do, but they are still at it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t complain. I vehemently criticize Funcom too when I feel the need, but I still believe they are trying. If you don’t, move on. I will hate seeing some of you go, but probably that’s for the best. Nobody should feel so bitter about a game that is supposed to be a source of fun and joy.

When I confront what I see in this forum with the reality I meet actually playing the game, they are worlds apart. When I play single player mode, I sill enjoy the game. When I play online, the same, and I meet a lot of happy players that do the same.

The forum is so diferent from what I experience when meeting players. Sure, they aren’t happy about the problems, but they still like playing.

The forum became a cesspool of badmouthing, speculation, unfounded accusations, lost hope, wild theories and what not. 90% negativity, 10% positivity, and I don’t think that this translates the reality. I don’t know if this is a thing of the English speaking world, but definitely it’s not the reality I meet when playing online, even on pvp.

At this point, I’m not even sure if Funcom doesn’t keep this forum just to keep all the hatred contained…

It’s depressing.


Its funny how most bugs bother me a lot less than their yanky bad ideas and changes…
They just execute changes everyone hates… out of arrogance…?

I’m still annoyed by the “combat fix” and “unrepairable gear” along with “permanent durability loss” after you repair gear -.-


That’s the one that got me wondering about. I thought it wasn’t implemented yet.

At start you won’t notice it much, since the dura bar seems to reset each time you repair, not sure if this is a visual bug or intended (the bar is always full after each repair but the number get lower).

You’ll notice the loss very quickly if you use the repair grindstone, @Wak4863 made a very clear video about this:


That’s a fallacy, excluding the middle for edge cases. It descends from incorrect information which you have gathered: I’m not talking about Live Administration. I am instead speaking of Real Time Administration.

This can be accomplished by:
a. Implemented automated “time out” features for abusers;
b. Automated ZenDesk warnings to registered email;
c. Real Time Admin of the server, including logging into it;
d. Game DB “syndication” of suspect server such that Admin analyzes up to the minute data;
e. Oversight committee of QA Testers to check the broader implications of certain glitches and gaps.

Let us also not fall for the Fallacy of Populism; gaming is not a cheap or inexpensive experience, nor is it essential. Having a very low bar for access to Official Servers and the Private Server Network does not exclude anyone. As I’ve said, my concept would include free access to one Official Server at a time, and 10 Private Servers at a time. So if you own a copy of the game, have at it, just don’t spam yourself across the gaming environment. It’s a subtle thing, and perhaps the only assailable part of my plan: it rewards clean players for better behavior, and incentivizes rotten ones to buy more licenses of Conan Exiles. :stuck_out_tongue:


@Barnes Funcom messes up. We know that. But it’s also unfairly accused of everything under the sun.
I would wholeheartedly stand behind a premium service. All I am saying is that I predict a whole wave of undue outrage if they ever decide to implement something of the sort…


The idea of a paid service is a little ridiculous. And don’t take that statement as an insult. I’ll explain what I mean by it. So Conan Exiles is a type of game that a paid server would be far too expensive, at just about any price point to actually justify what you would get. While simultaneously requiring the amount to be prohibitively expensive.

One of the benefits of having the system of moderation that they do is that it is detached. When you make a report on Zendesk, you don’t know who is responding. There’s a filter between you and the moderator. There is a delay as well due to the hours they perform the tickets. And then the results would happen in a delayed fashioned as well, taking effect on the next server restart. Finally the response you get whether you are the one putting in the ticket or the one getting actioned is through either a simple email or a server motd-like message when you try to login.

Is that an acceptable practice when you’re paying for the service? Well no. You want something a bit more hands on. More proactive. More interactive. Someone you could speak to directly, maybe not expecting real time chat (or maybe you all do) but something less detached. If you’re making a report you want to ensure someone is looking into it. If a report is made against you, maybe you want to argue your case, or be given guidelines on what not to do and the opportunity to correct your mistake before the ban hammer comes down (I mean you’re paying now, you deserve that right?).

Well the issue with that is you get to know who you are dealing with. You start to see trends, you start to see (or at least think you see) different opinions. You’re now dealing with a human being with all the benefits, and detriments thereof. Now… you all have always been dealing with a human being. Nothing is actually changing here. Nothing but the perception. The feeling is definitely going to change. Is that feeling going to be better? I don’t necessarily think it would. Its going to feel more like a private server, with the downsides that comes with those feelings (as well as the good, question is, would it be good enough?).

Now here comes another problem. Funcom is partnered with G-portal. These premium servers will have to be run on their machines. I don’t know if FC is allowed to run their own stuff in-house with this contract. But I suspect not. There’s even a chance them running a premium service with the G-portal agreement isn’t even allowed. They would be profiting more from that agreement more than was originally intended. Sure they could try to renegotiate. But they wouldn’t be doing so from an advantageous position because they would be asking for the permission to do so. But we don’t have those details, so lets go over potential favorable outcomes.

First one is they are bound to keep with G-Portal. Can of you tell me that these servers are worth paying to play on? Amongst the private server subsection of our community, its universally regarded not worth renting a server on G-portal. The performance for CE just isn’t there. They could potentially get around that by lowering the server caps to about 15 players. At such a low player cap, I mean you’re better off with Enshrouded like Coop. Not a paid service.

The other is if they are simply allowed to do whatever server they wish to do. Well here comes an interesting issue. For the traffic a FC server needs, this is going to require a dedicated machine. Not a rented virtual server space. So they’ll want to do this in house. They also want to do this to ensure they have control over downtime. You can’t tell paying customers that they can’t play because the server host is working on it. They don’t want to hear that. Nor should they. Look at when FLS goes down, that’s Microsofts fault, but FC gets the blame (rightfully so because they chose to do FLS). So running a server in house requires more people to run that. It needs a dedicated team. That’s not cheap. But this option is what you want if you’re paying.

Now to tie in paying customers to specific accounts, they’re going to need a way to process payment. And a way to communicate with you. That requires storing email and payment information (this could be done through FLS… but it’d be a bit messy). That’s going to require another team to handle that sort of stuff. Adding to the cost one way or another. Either they do it in house, or give more of a cut to Microsoft.

And of course you have the active moderation that is being sought. This requires hiring more people. And likely multiple shifts worth. With a range of language skills to cover most regions. Google translate only gets you so far. And its too slow when dealing with someone in near real time. Or maybe they could just use English, seems to be something most CE players are capable of understanding. But these moderators are why everyone is even willing to pay in the first place, so they can be hired.

Now we get to the real issue. To afford all that, the price points are going to be ridiculous. Either you’re paying for a service that isn’t much different than what you have now… or for you are getting a decent service but the price is high enough that… well you could rent your own server yourself for.

And believe me, that second point of it being priced high enough that you could get your own server for would be the biggest complaint. Even amongst those willing to pay. The whales who buy up everything already probably won’t mind. But the rest of you. Maybe not.

And there comes the other issue. Is there enough of you to justify hiring an extra team of moderators? Is there a profit to be had? Couple that with their potential prohibitions under their G-portal partnership leads me to believe this is unfortunately a fantasy. This topic has floated around for nearly seven years and there has been little interest shown from FC.

This also requires a level of polish, reliability, competence, and quality from a subsection of the community that doesn’t believe they are capable of. Its doomed to fail as those standards are not going to be met in their eyes. There’s no point to even try something like that.

I would point out that blitz servers are requested more often than paid servers, and those servers failed to keep an adequate playerbase. I would also point out that offers from members of the community to run a such program themselves have been dismissed. I am sure there are many who wouldn’t mind providing such services.

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In all fairness, the blitz servers did one timeframe that was significantly short-lived and then used it’s failure to justify not entertaining any concepts of wipes in general. In other words, I would specifically accuse that the blitz server concept was purposely sabotaged with an extreme limitation so that they can avoid talking about the topic of wipes ever again. It was never taken seriously because the settings were not serious to begin with.


No it has zero to do with their stance on wiping. You only need to wipe when your server database is corrupt and you don’t have a backup available. I used to think that servers would eventually need to wipe just due to getting conflated, but that isn’t the case.

Just so you know, they have the means to wipe in a very easy fashion. They’ve even given the tool alongside the dedicated server software to even do a ‘soft wipe’.

Wipes only result in short term benefits to those who like to rebuild. But nothing long term and nothing but anguish for those who don’t wish to rebuild. There is quite a few people in that category that are playing just fine and wish to be left alone.

I didn’t play everquest, so i can‘t give you my opinion on that.

It will take a bit to explain my thoughts on CE, so bear with me.

I‘m not focused on specific genres of games. I play all types of games.
The gameplay aspect is important to me.

I like strategy games like dawn of war or age of empires because it’s simply great to see your army grow, and wreck everything in your path. Leaving nothing behind but scorched earth.
And of course you also have the aspect of base building and defending.

I like action RPG‘s like darksiders, god of war or the witcher. I like those games for the great combat mechanics.

And i like shooters like the doom-, wolfenstein- and bioshock series for the same reasons.
Especially space marine! Because it has a great combination of both. It’s a third person shooter with great melee implementation.
And after 12 years or something like that, we will get space marine 2 at the end of this year.

Monster hunter is a bit different. It’s not hack and slash. You don’t mow down enemies by the dozens. You’re fighting only one monster at a time. All the fights have the feeling of a boss battle to it. At first the combat system didn’t appeal to me, it felt a bit clunky.

But i got into it and have to say it has one of the best and most deep combat systems i‘ve ever seen!

Conan exiles at its best combined all those elements.
It combines most aspects of games i like.
So to answer your question: at the moment it’s still worth to stick around. Don’t know how long this will last.
I joined the forum out of anger, not gonna lie.
(If my username wasn’t obvious enough :sweat_smile:)

Believe me or not, but usually i‘m not a guy who rambles online. I played all those mentioned games but never joined the forums there.
But besides “they are simply great” there wasn’t anything to say anyway.

I meet a lot of nice people here like @LostBrythunian ,Croms_Faithful , stelagel , MarcosC ,Kikigirl and erjoh .
And of course last but not least @Xevyr and @CodeMage !
All of them truly try their best to help the community and to make FC aware of problems.
I don’t always share their opinions on everything, but i can understand their point of view, and vice versa.
And even without access to mods i have a lot of respect for @CodeMage and @Xevyr for all their work and effort they put into it!
(Sorry if i forgot about someone)

Long story short, if it gets better in the near future i will stay. If not… i will leave and be done with it.
(Maybe i will rant a bit more before i leave, who knows)

Anyways… GTA 6, space marine 2 and monster hunter : wilds are on the horizon.
And a lot of survival games too.
(Enshrouded, soul mask, nightingale…)

If the guys at FC don’t get their act together, most of us are probably going to leave sooner or later.

If that wasn’t clear enough i don’t know what else to say. :man_shrugging:

Hope dies last i guess.



“You can only mention 3 members in one post”.

Seriously FC?

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Makes sense.

Most do, in any forum. Hell I joined because I was trying to figure out how to get testlive to work on a private server. This was when CE was in early access and I wanted to try out those sexy new combos at the time. And then stuck around because I was irked that Accuracy and its associated weapons were admittedly (by the team at the time) a second thought, and sought to correct that.

Happy players don’t tend to come here. Unless they’re stelagel. He’s always positive. In a great way.

I’d post the Lee Ermey Drill Sergeant Discord gif, but there’s quite a few report happy forum goers floating around as it is :yum:

But I assume its because its been used a bit badly in the past. I try not to @ people myself unless I want to draw their attention. If I am mentioning something and they don’t need to be bothered, then I won’t @ them at all. But you also don’t want to do so if you’re being critical of them so they have a chance to defend their position (though its kinda form to talk about someone specifically who isn’t engaged anyway).

We could have five at least. Five isn’t too much… or maybe its right out. :bomb:


Maybe it also should prevent users from mentioning multiple people, only to insult them.
Could make sense.

But what if i wanted to tell you all “YOU SUCK!” ?
I couldn’t do that, i would have to tell it everyone separately.



If you find this one nice, the world has become a decayed and hateful shell, the delicate lattice of decency shattered and humanity thrown into the tumbler along with the jagged shards.

That said, humanity has this very bizarre relationship with hope. It’s not new, it’s been around for basically as long as we have documentation of balding monkey’s thoughts. But still fascinating.

It’s almost the natural counter balance to the evolutionary trait of hyper fixation on danger which in times of easy living (or lack of overt actionable danger) turns into fixation on flaws and displeasure.

Because the things that are unwanted are most clearly highlighted, and there is a drive to survive, thrive even, those adversities begin spawning solutions. In the mind the more perfect version of a thing is built. Because it is ruthlessly reexamined again and again, it is refined into what it could be. The idealized version.

Once the ideal exists, the processes of realizing it are explored. Some set backs are accepted, expected even…
But then come the progress breaks (or even regressions) that stagger the mind, the ones that seem for (to the person holding the ideal) the worst reasons, reasons not related to making the thing better, not even related prosaic greed.
Reality screams it’s dissonance with the Ideal loudly in the ear.

The natural response to pain is either escape or counter aggression.

On the Internet, it is very difficult for one to be harmed, so flight is almost universally less compelling than fight.
But most nations with Internet access have long since shown their subjects the yoke. People aren’t good at fighting anymore. Out of practice. What are hypothetically the best and brightest, the leaders, are embarrassingly bad at sparing with words and are often far from physically imposing specimens.
So those well acquainted with peaceful living now must stumble thru articulating anger.

Anger is a precious and powerful resource.
Rage gets shit done.

But like any supreme power source, it can be extremely easy to damage things and requires study and practice to use effectively.
Very few have had the opportunity to learn how to make their anger into a laser to weild with great precision. Much more commonly it becomes a wildfire that indiscriminately damages.

That is the price of peace, of domestication, the young forget how to use their claws and when they do lash out, it is inelegant and ineffectual.

So within the mind a beautiful image is seen, something desired, within the heart is the will to strive for it, but the soul lacks the means to articulate… so frustration sets in.
In modern times, angry posting.
At least few people here post in all caps.

Also, this one loves how Monster Hunter and Dynasty Warriors (and other similar games) are basically the opposite directions of the same concept.
One is a hyper focused boss rush, the other is endless waves of trash mobs time attack.


Your posts are such a treat, @LostBrythunian :blush:


It’s the only gaming forum i ever participate. This gaming community is the only one i care about. Sometimes my wife is complaining, you’re in the forum again aren’t you?
You’re my favorite habit the last four years. Since you make me happy why shouldn’t i try for the same?
You’re all friends to me, honestly!




I would say because of the ease of fighting without consequences, the Internet has made interactions very harmful.