To correct the topic right away - I do actually consider Conan Exiles to be a great game. It is one of the best games in its genre. We’ve spent countless hours playing with it with my primary gaming group and it is a PvE-survival-basebuilding-adventuring experience par none at this moment.
But to be fair, its genre is not very contested. There’s Ark, Valheim, maybe Project Zomboid if you count it. And a bunch of even smaller indie titles. To me none of these are - currently - a real contender to Conan Exiles.
When you start comparing Conan Exiles to games outside its niche, it doesn’t fare quite as well. It is, simply put, unpolished.
I understand the need for more revenue and I personally have no issue with overpriced items in the Bazaar. If they are too pricey, I just wont buy it, I still have plenty to build with the DLCs. But I do feel that this effort is being put to the wrong place.
According to Steam Spy, Conan Exiles has from two to five million owners. Project Zomboid has from five to ten million owners. Valheim has owners in the tens of millions. Ark has more owners, too. Even 7 Days to Die has.
Because the game is, simply put, too unpolished, and while it is a great game, the truth is that many of its core features just do not deliver. This is why the scores are bad and why people do not openly recommend the game.
To make a list of what I think are the biggest problems:
Combat is both too easy but also randomly buggy and unpredictable. On one hand a lot of the time the AI just stands idly and stares at you - even while the server is comfortably keeping a steady framerate - and you get a dozen free hits in. Other times the AI launches to an attack with no telegraph. Sometimes AI throws a rock or shoots an arrow at you with their back turned.
The purges, which were a widely advertised feature of the game, just do not work. Enemies spawn inside bases. Enemies spawn but don’t move. A wave fails to spawn. An enemy gets stuck inside a block and a new wave isn’t spawned. I’m not sure I have ever seen a purge that worked as intended.
There are too many known bugs left unfixed. For example, the Abyssal Remnant still randomly fails to spawn and this has been known for 3 years now. No fix. You can’t re-bind “loot all”; known for 3 years. Sometimes you can’t interact with a container after opening it. Has been happening since the start, no fix. Keybinds randomly reset, no fix. Etc.
Conan Exiles has enough content to be a truly awe-inspiring game. But its AI is too buggy, its combat as a result of that too unsatisfying. There are too many unpolished parts.
Conan Exiles isn’t yet a very old game. There’s still time to double, even triple, its total sales. But for Conan Exiles to achieve greatness, some very dedicated effort needs to be put into overhauling its AI, increase server performance and do a pass on balance. This game could have a million owners more if it delivered a great dungeoning experience; a great purge experience; and if playing it felt more smooth.