Bug or just bad programming?

Today, when I logged in, I saw that I lost more then 35 fully trained, equipped fighters and some pets (named dogs) that I will never be able to have on server 1013, because they where brought with me during a transfer.

Again, and it happened on the Siptah server where I play, a purgebase spawned in and on top of my base, someone elses purge and it ravaged my base and the content.

Please developers, work on this, it is a big funspoiler, I will collect again and level, harvest and craft, but it should have been avoided, this is plain bad programming.


Neither? More like someone exploiting and greifing. People used to do that with the old purge system, and the 3 Skull bosses, and all sorts of things. People are just
 well I am sure you can pick an appropriate word.

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It’s not bad programming, it’s bad game design. The purge should not be allowed to damage other people’s buildings on a PVE(-C) server, but they didn’t want to spend the necessary development effort to implement that rule. :man_shrugging:


Always put your thralls inside your base. Make sure you wall off your base and have doors at every entrance.

The new purge npc would only demolishes your door “IF” it is the path of reaching that coffer. But becasuse someone else is running a purge with their own coffer(not yours), The NPCs should not be attacking you base, even if someome else lures the enemies to your base.

Lock you base up. Put all your thralls inside your property
And make sure there is no path for the enemies to get inside your base.

Thats the only way to make sure you dont lose any thralls
for now. Its just how the purge system works. Intentional or unintentional


My younger brothers base had the same issue, they where inside, door was damaged and thralls ran out, so save the base, which is what they are meant to do :slight_smile:

So coming saturday we will be thrall hunting together, which is very enjoyable.

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Greetings @Pazsu ,

Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket:

You can read the full version of the Guidelines here:

@Corben reported the same thing a few days ago. And he wasn’t the first one reporting this.
I explained him what probably happened and my comment got hidden.
As it seems we are not allowed to talk about game breaking stuff.
We are not even allowed to explain what happened to people which don’t know what happened to them and just want to understand it. We are also not allowed to give any advice.

FC once again came up with half baked content, i can understand if they don’t want that information to spread. But that wouldn’t be an issue if they would take the time to think it through in the first place.

However, when i asked the staff why my comments are hidden and how we are supposed to help our fellow exiles if they can’t be bothered, THIS happened:



I’ve observed this once. It can happen if a purge thinks the only path to your coffer is to go trough someone else doors. Yes they don’t differentiate between your doors or doors of another clan base.

Dear ZahMaiatt,

It’s not my wish nor purpose to report anyone. It is just very strange that a purge can spawn in someone elses base. That does not mean they aimed to do so, but that the game mechanics aren’t working well.

Wrongfully reporting would be worse then losing a few fighters.

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Greetings Exile,

Can you share your base location with us? Please take a screenshot of the in-game map while pointing to where the base is.

Feel free to reach out in private if you prefer, by sending a direct message to @Community

We appreciate your support.

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Exiled Lands map B7 middle.

Hello NeedAdvise

I have no evidence at all that an other player caused the purge to spawn in my base on purpose. I think it’s just a flaw in the system, bases can be quite close and that leaves little space for the purgecamps, maybe it had to squeeze itself in.

I have also lost some followers to another person’s purge. I do not think it was malicious, but random chance that the camp spawned close enough to my base for the purge and my thralls engage each other. So I do understand the problem.

However, I am not so sure the solution is simple and straightforward. Purges are supposed to be able to be a communal event. I have participated in multiple purge parties with multiple other clans.

How can I participate in a another clan’s purge if purges are clan-restricted and will ignore my followers?

It is very easy to be an armchair developer, but I do not think “good” programming is obvious in this case.

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Greetings Exiles,

We appreciate the feedback and input regarding this issue. We’ll ask our team to investigate it.

However, please remember this section of the forum is destined for bug reports. While we appreciate feedback, comments derailing the subject of simply sharing an opinion on the matter would be best if shared under the “general discussion” or “feedback” sections.

Thank you for understanding.