Whats going on with Conan?

Hey guys anyone has an idea why Conan servers are not letting people join first I thought it was my internet or my Xbox then people sayed the same it didn’t let them join the server so I thought it was the server but then I checked and no server lets you join not even the officials what happened? I haven’t read any news or people talking about it in discord :sob:

Heyy, Saw your post.

Having the same issue, following your thread for updates.

So far what I know is its been down since the 13th and is still down for all xbox players. It may have something to do with the new update scheduled, noone is sure why it is down right now though.


Down detector has had hundreds of reports of the same issue you are facing.

also there is this thread here, where people are waiting for info and speculating what they think might be the cause of the mass outage. Link in bottom of comment.

The talk about a coin exploit is just a meme, and most people dont know whats going on so far. Some people blaming different things.


This is totally conjecture, but there may have been an exploit with Crom Coins.

If you can report it to Zendesk. I think either way we’ll have to wait until they’re ready. (An explanation would be nice though.)

All the official Xbox servers came back online after the morning reset.

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