Why is my coffer a naked white haired guy?

Title :point_up_2:
Any body else got this?
I’m thinking it might be a mod problem I haven’t checked my mod discords yet.

Playing on PC
Single player
Private modded

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Sounds like you got robbed by Funcom! :slight_smile:

Wasn’t me that got robbed I’m good. But whoever it was they left my gold and treasure but stole his clothes :joy:

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His “stack” was “split.” WAI.

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Yep. Sounds like Funcom. Steal the clothes but leave the gold. :rofl:

They can’t even do robbing correctly :joy:

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Ok sorted it out it was a Fashionest issue but it’s been fixed.

NO Fashionest! Just HALF STACKS!

Ok after restarting my computer the problems back😩

Ah yes, that used to happen years ago.

Our old white haired weirdo returns!

Don’t panic, your thrall is still there. The white hair is just a placeholder because whatever code didn’t load in properly.

This may repeat every login, or it may correct itself.

Lol I haven’t seen him in years!

Dammit Geralt, put some clothes on!

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I mean, personally, fine, but at least make my treasurer female.

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