Will chapter 4 add any new content to the siege or tavern systems (or anything else), or was this extra time strictly devoted to bug fixes and tweaking before moving on to the next Age?
I’m sure it will have new bugs
All I’ve been able to find is speculation.
No idea if any of these will actually make it to the game but the devs have hinted at several things:
Purge siege weapons
Musician thralls/emoting thralls in the tavern to make it seem more lively
Craftsmen becoming actual thralls in the world instead of just items you pop into a workbench
More patrons you find that you can bribe to come to your tavern (this one I’ve heard they want to do but I don’t know if they planned it for chapter 4)
As others mentioned, there has been speculation. There have been things that Den and company mentioned that they wanted to do.
The only thing that comes to mind that hasn’t already been mentioned is a smaller version of the “siege” being added to Siptah.
Now, if one wants to stroll thru the admin panel and look at some purge goodies that exist but don’t appear yet, this one suggests the meteor mage as a starter.
there are already thrall icons and profession definitions for musician thralls in the devkit, so mebbe that will be a thing in chapter 4.
i am sure there will be something new that they will theme the battlepass and bazaar around. they seem to be unwilling to fix what is broken and are hellbent on having some new shiny thing concept to push bazaar and battlepass.
i am also sure it will be broken on arrival, and that xevyr or multigun will have a mod to fix it 3 days after chapter 4 drops.
EDIT: i just checked and i was wrong about the professions definitions, i dont see them in the datatable, but the musician thrall icon is in there.
I want an achievement for punching a camel while drunk.
Now I’m curious to find this one.
That was one of the big things in ch4. They’ve said it just wasn’t ready and part of the reason for ch4.
I also thought they had said ages may become 4 chapters, with chapter 4 pretty well batting clean up.
That has been there forever. There are a few thrall icons not used in game but in game.
There is also the yet another change to battle mechanics proposed and why I didn’t waste my time gettign used to what we have. But there is no guarantee they wont change it yet again come the next age.
That was this one’s understanding as well, that 4 Chapters/Age was going to become.the new standard going forward.
Honestly if that’s the pacing that will allow better qa, a more finished product, or just less janky integration, this one is all for it.
As for musicians, this one keeps thinking we are getting lots of elements of an Age of Civilization in our Age of War.
This would have been a perfect time to reintroduce crossbows…
But this one limits themselves to only give minutes of pouting per forum visit, and that’s up now.
Yes, I believe 4 chapters are supposed to be the new standard with the odd numbers (1, 3) being ones with the big features and the even chapters (2, 4) are smaller QoL stuff and adjustments so they have time to do the things they want and also release the Age with a bang instead of a whimper.
Did they specifically say this anywhere? I’m all for them taking the time to release quality content, I’ve just never seen them talk about splitting it like this.
Where do you people heard of a 4th chapter?
No, there will be new content…
A fatality (execution) system… and possibly new purge types… also, if they finish that, then the purge might be using siege engines… stuff like that…
The developers said they’re going to do 4 chapters per age now. Dennis said it on their stream.
As Xevyr mentioned below, it was part of the Chapter 3 dev stream. I’d have to look for the specific timestamp but it was in there.
If they add siege engines that will destroy our bases, it will simply completely kill purge as a widely used game mechanic.
Putting a foundation and placing a chest on it in an open field is not purge, it is mockery.
I wish my own character could become a bard. I would play in others’ taverns, and with my bard experience leveling up, I would earn the perk to uncorrupt the people I play music for. When a bard would play next to an other bard player or next to bard thralls, our instruments would align to play a perfect matched melody
Edit: I just thought of a wild idea. If a bard with high music experience earns a perk to uncorrupt the people they play for, the sorcerers would very slowly get uncorrupted too, losing their ability to cast the higher corrupted spells if they stay too long next to a bard playing music for them. How tough
Will they count in the limit number of thralls allowed?
No idea if they’ll count or not
Honestly i don’t want any new content.
They should fix what’s broken first, before they start dumping more unpolished content into a game that is already broken.
Nevermind the balancing issues.
Same, I just want them to finish what they were 95% done with (their words), and then polish what they have so the game doesn’t run like crap. I don’t need a poorly conceived chapter that just gets removed in a later update like AoS ch2.