New feature about the tavern

Can you tell me if there will be music in the new taverns (played by magical instruments or by bards)?



Not in the immediate release, but it’s on our radar!
Edit: We’d also like to introduce some rabble that’s not currently present to make things feel a bit more lively as the tavern fills up on its own.


I want a Rouser thrall that I can capture and set loose in my neighbor’s tavern to accompany their rabble. And turn on building damage for a two tile radius so I can smash some glasses and tables, maybe rip some stuff off the walls.

Oh, and give all musical instruments a thrall slot so I can have a five piece band of lvl 20 entertainers who can react to the rabble rousers when my neighbor returns the favor.

Let the festivus begin!

In all seriousness, I’m loving this whole tavern thing.


I want this so much…

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While in full support of the tavern as a concept and the future plans for it’s expansion, could y’all perhaps consider a toggle for no new visitors, maximum occupancy or some other form of limiting the attendance levels to a low roar, in the interest of protecting server performance on already popular or well developed servers?

This one cannot stress enough their enthusiasm at this new future.
As a mes culpa, this one has been guilty of prognosticating doom in the past, and honestly this is such a new and ambitious direction that this one must now silence such rumblings and fully retract them with apologies.
There’s just the small concern that some, equally enthused with this new toy, may go just a bit too far into the new mixology aspects of the game to unintended and unfortunate results.


Yes music! Entertainer thralls being able to play instruments and instruments for the players were the first thing I found missing when I purchased the game and built my first house. I just watched that dancer dancing in my dining hall, and something was missing :wink:

Not wanna sound negative but I smell another half baked content pushed to live upcoming…

Still no new hairstyles, beards, facial war paints and make up (long forgotten update never expanded).

Purges don’t use siege equipment other than the demolishers that break in like police…:

The artists understood, at least its how we all expected purges to be right?

Armour stands still doesn’t show the right gear colours and illusion.

To name a few…

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