Will Chapter 4 have any new content?

Can’t imagine it’s going to help server performance.

Wouldn’t shock me if they nix the idea because of server performance.

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I‘m sorry btw if I came across a bit salty.
But if i read stuff like “hey, they could implement more things to buy” i can get a bit… salty i guess. :sweat_smile:

But when i think about crafters… they probably have to increase the thrall limit.

How many crafting stations do we have in total? It’s a lot.

Or it becomes one of those things they “couldn’t finish” but they’re “constantly working on”.

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Start a clan, fill it with your alts, 100 thralls for you; people do it.


Yup, and a few hundred more thralls wont hurt right? The public servers can’t manage the AI now, how well do you think it will handle more thralls?

What are you going to do when they wipe the officials to implement the new self regulating ToC system?

:hushed: I hadn’t thought about that, I hope so and not; that the bench thrall count but the count doesn’t increase. people would lose their minds. Their thrall count would double, so which ones would the game autodelete?

I had enough thralls for my main base, 4 transtone bases, and a “purge” base. Solo player on official PVE.

Sorry, not going to be sorry for being salty. Y’all know my opinion of the public toilets, not going to greet some one suggesting making it X worse, with open arms.


Great metaphor for officials! :+1:

Stop playing

To have two separate counts could of course also be the case. Who knows.
Was just saying that because the barkeep counts for the limit… at least for now.

Ok, thank you for your answer about caping.

However, I strongly disagree with the idea of purchasing any slots for thralls, or any item which would unbalance the gameplay between players.
It would become a pay to win game.
A solo player can afford to pay? More thralls.
A solo player is broke? Just get the minimum.
No way in hell.

I would rather have Funcom cap the clans to the same amount of thralls regardless of the number of people composing the clan, than see additional slots bought with real money.


I like this idea.

So the nemedian foundation “fix” didn’t effect you?
Didn’t lose any thralls with that timer oops?
Some rival clan hasn’t spam reported you in to an auto suspicion?

If you don’t think you can be wiped with out notice, or that funcom will do something about it WHEN it happens, you’re terribly naive.

But straight up if funcom wiped the public servers to institute coded in building restrictions, I don’t think they would lose an appreciable amount of players.

Nemedian didn’t impact me, it did however impact others.

Thrall Decay bug impacted me on EL, not on Siptah. I stopped playing on that EL server.

I don’t have any rival clans, I like everyone. I play PvE, don’t try and have enemies. I want people to get along and have fun. Kill them with “kindness”.

I’m FULLY aware FC is more than capable of taking away everything by accident and or not accident, but I’am not going to stop playing.

Funcom won’t wipe Officials purposely without notice. If they do I’ll cross that bridge when it comes.

I heard Funcom will be adding the ability to change clothes on worker thralls.

I hope for:

  • Rights to repair and no more permanent damage to weapons tools and gear (the changes were a massive QoL let down).
  • Being able to aim with mouse in combat again.
  • Dungeon recipes being useful again, or at least better than standard knowlegde.
  • Proper siege purge, not jus the ramming bois and the stealing bois.
  • New barbarian armours, show some muscle and skin, we’re hardened not some weaklings relying on lot of cloth metal and leather (seen enough full covered boring new armours already).
  • Funcom’s wake up call.
  • Funcom to stop messing with old content and accept some things are done, complete… finished.

Finish moves and other things already planned for chapter 4…
But…It is supposed to release in march et and we have no news, no lives, no beta test yet…

Which will in turn create a new slew of problems.

Thrall Limits and Server Performance are the biggest problems that will be impacted.

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Hopefully they delay the update, so that for once it’s released 100% complete!


maybe, features are already delayed and was planned te release with chapter 3 (chapter 4 was not planned), maybe…3 month for big update is too hard to do.

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