World boss blocking on official

It seems you’re confused. The problem isn’t that they’re taking their time to “get around to it”, the problem is that they allegedly said they won’t “get around to it”, because it supposedly isn’t against the rules.

The thread wasn’t created because someone doesn’t know the workarounds. The thread was created because this kind of administrative decision, if real, is the whiff of smoke rising from a gigantic dumpster fire.


Ya it’s Ok I’m only blocking one world boss spawn. Now just how many people with that belief does it take to block them all?



Well so far ive encountered ONE guild blocked a WB and i dont even know if it qualifies as a WB. Thats across 4 EL and 4 IOS servers. So thats 8 servers where ive got max characters on that ive seen.

Secondly , its not the end of the world as there are other options of the SAME WB on the map EL.

So they can work around it since they already reported it. OR they can come here everyday. Their choice.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t against the rules. You can also avoid going near a base that will make you lag till the moon and back, by that perspective. The map is big.
Besides, someone who blocks a WB on purpose is a jerk.

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Thats why i dont immediately report them. Besides its only a key which i can get from the next WB down the street…

And for the record i never lag around any base - doesnt matter how big it is.

I like big bases- I give myself the grand tour through them

I have known a spanish streamer to name a well known Spanish Funcom admin, including on stream as just getting him to remove cheaters directly.

And the thing is I 100% believe him, because I had a unbelievably rare and quick admin deletion on official when I boxed him in with claim, Prior to there being ANY building rules on official servers when funcom just didn’t police at all.

This is one of the key things that totally eroded my trust in funcom when it comes to preferential treatment, if some people can bypass the process or even get preferential treatment, it makes the game unfair, and this goes aside from the false report spam.

Call it tin foil hattery I freely admit I would be banned by the current rules, but they didn’t exist then, I thought it was bollocks and just moved on from that server.

But the OP left me confused as hell, as I understood it world bosses was one of the major things you wanted to be hyper careful not to block off.

You’re still missing the point. They’re not coming here because they don’t know how to work around it. They’re coming here because an admin allegedly said that blocking a world boss is not against the rules, contrary to what the rules say, and despite other players having been banned for it.

Hopefully I’ve managed to explain it now. If English isn’t your best language, let me know which language works and I’ll try to translate the explanation.


‘ach qeylIS vIDellaHchugh, vaj chongeHqu’mo’.


So allegedly - not even for sure.

Same response applies -move on

Allegedly, because it wasn’t me who received that response and I don’t know the person who received it. It’s been posted on Reddit, so you should treat it like anything posted on the Internet, whether it was posted here or elsewhere.

Good idea. Now that we’ve established that you’re not really interested in this discussion, unlike the rest of us, why don’t you move on?


I already have - im playing the game

Kinda sad how this went.

I don’t really think this means anything new…

My personal theory is that this ticket was either answered by a new hire who has no clue wtf a “world boss” even is… and just threw back a reply :man_shrugging: OR someone old… who still has the “good ol’ days” of the wild west rules imprinted in their brain when indeed this was not specifically against their rules.

Either way, it seems like the outlier and not the norm, else we would have seen way way more of these.

So in conclusion… if anyone wants to use this as their excuse to block world bosses :man_shrugging: have at it… it’s still not going to be a democracy and if you do get wiped and banned, you won’t get to argue your case any more than anyone else who got wiped and banned… you decide if it’s worth it for you and play the game how you like it :stuck_out_tongue:

(With that being said, I would also be mighty curious to read a comment on this from our community managers :slight_smile: who knows :man_shrugging: maybe it’s encouraged now with the new ToS and all… and they have decided world bosses have been nerfed so severely they no longer qualify as “content”)


The spider boss is not spawning anymore for weeks now

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The problem is not that specific world boss. I said years ago the same thing as you: there are multiple ones, and the keys/chests are generalized, no specific legendary for X or Y world boss.
But I realized:
People will think: “ohh, that guy could do that, then I can do that too!” And poof, no world bosses available.
And that is the problem if you still could not figure it out…
So I propose that FC should do two things:

  • enforce the rules way more strictly, and if someone breaks it, warning. Second time breaking, or giving a s…t to the first warning, banned from that server for ever.
  • or open a new category with some severs that are the wild west of officials. (Almost) no rules, you can build spiderwebs all night long, block content, bla bla bla.You can still report people, but in very few, special cases would those reports be investigated and acted upon. If you don’t like this wild west, leave.
  • or both.
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as I said before,as long as world bosses aare part of the challenges, that should be enforced. If not take them oout of the challenges


Stay tuned? I’ll be opening a private-public server in the next few weeks. With actual enforcement of the rules.

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We’ve been all over this repeatedly, I should know TOS violating builds is one of my top 3 pet peeves, and probably my #1 posted topic. Why? I’m an explorer, this is my guide click discover, check everything. This will also give you an idea of the number of POIs in game. There are multiple lore stones with various stories, the same with notes found round the world.

Now I invited some one in to this and asked the thread not get shut down. They have failed to show. This speaks volumes about funcom/zendesks actual concern about this. As in not.

Seems to me the only thing zendesk is good for as far as TOS enforcement on the public servers is to be used as a tool against your enemies in PVP.

If funcom doesn’t want to do administration proper on all servers they just need to shut them down.
“anything worth doing is worth doing right”.

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Let the boss destroy nearby foundations and walls. If the boss detects it is blocked, then destruction begins.

It just needed a little more AI to solve this.