World boss blocking on official

Have the boss Insta blow up all ownables :crazy_face:

If funcom dont want you building somewhere , they should just make the areas non buildable , boss spawns, big resource areas etc

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Ive reported a grand total of 4 clans in 2 years. Three of them got nuked. But i certainly dont have the time to come here a go on about the one that wasnt removed.

I just go get my keys somewhere else on that server and let Funcom deal with it.

Its beyond our control after we report it.

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As others have said, this discussion is NOT about the fact that a World Boss is blocked.

This is about the fact that the response via Zendesk states something that in many peoples minds contradicts what is being stated in the Official Server Guidelines provided.

As someone who tries to make a good faith effort to not negatively impact the experience of other players on my severs as well as following the provided Guidelines, I am frustrated that there has not been some sort of communication from the Company to help clarify this interpretation of the Rules.


World Boss blocking on official is the thread.

The zendesk stating something that is unclear that people jump to conclusions before letting it work , is the issue.

So you can come here and rant about it day in and day out, or you can play the game without burdening yourselves if zendesk made a mistake.

I always follow what the official guideline says about it until it changes.

Im done here with circular arguements.

It’s the title of the thread. Do you also only read news headlines without reading the article? Furthermore, if someone takes it up on them to read the whole article for you and explain repeatedly what it means, do you also stubbornly refuse to acknowledge anything but the title?

Because that’s what you’re doing here.

It’s weird that you’re behaving like that, given that you wrote this complaint elsewhere:

You’re behaving the exact way you criticize. If you disagree with whether it’s okay to block a world boss or not, that’s your prerogative, but it’s off-topic and it’s been pointed out repeatedly that it’s off-topic. If you have no interest in the topic, you don’t have to participate.

But what you’re doing is insisting on “having things your way all the time” by repeating an off-topic claim and implying that people shouldn’t discuss this.


That’s what you said the last time, too. Please either stay on topic, or stay away from the topic. It’s not that hard.

So this is OK :thinking:


Apparently so. :roll_eyes:

This has gotten to the point it’s going to take drastic measures to get funcom to do the right thing.

I propose everyone on every public server go to your closest world boss and wall them in.
Then get your clan together and wall off serpers.
And lastly enclose all the obelisks.
Because apparently that’s all good now, so go for it.

It’s gotten to the point we need to have a big player protest to get anything done. Because nothing else is working.

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Hopefully we can get an official response on official servers.

Not happening, I invited some one but they a no show. And they are the only person I can think of on the funcom staff here, that seems to be involved with the server TOS.

A reply in the comments.

Oh hell ya, I’m building a kill box around a world boss and farming for keys WOOOOOOOT

Thanks funcom for giving me permission to be a dick.


This is awful. I really have no words for how awful this is.


In agreement with @CodeMage re the to and fro-ing of compaining.
I was also a little startled at the Funcom response, but

I have seen on private servers where some oik has spam-built somewhere and the Server Admin has cleared things up, only to have the player go an spam stuff everywhere in ‘retribution’. Obviously it’s a lot easier for the Admin on private to clear. Also, the Admin is usually pretty active on said servers.

Of course, other players on the server are completely allowed to nuke the spam-build to oblivion, find that player and nuke them to Tarterus too.

As icky as it appears, the sheer volume of Official servers makes it really very hard I imagine to keep leaping server to server to remove spam-builds. Sometimes said spam is purely as a bully response to mess a sever up from some kid that ‘has issues’. Also, private servers usually have a mod like PIPPI to very easily spot and clear junk - officials (to my knowledge) do not. Makes it hard.

In Conan Exiles, there is NO way to prevent any players on any server from spamming build stuff almost anywhere. Same applies to many/all(?) similar world games out there.

Whether the spamming, the bridges-builds, the wheels of pain, the teleporters are well-meant or purely abusive block-building, games usually allow other players to blow the items up and that usually fixes it (eventually). Players that do that kind of thing seldome stay on one server long, or even play all that long.

Contentious it may seem, but I suspect that more attention will be being spent at the Zendesk for addressing glitches, exploits, and hacks than policing stuff any player can police themselves.

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Well then you have something to report.

This is why i dont restrict myself to just one official server.

I learned very quickly that when a server goes down or theres shenanigans going on ,it can be down for hours or more. Ill report if necessary , and then flip to another.

Im only pointing out we have options.

Yeah building around a world boss is the dumbest tactic ever.

One of those clans that got reported by me and nuked did that- they are gone now.

But it takes time while Funcom reviews it and gets to it.

Scroll up, just fine to block bosses. Hell I’m building one around that reptilian beast boss. Chest and all.

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Yeah that not one they consider a block actually since its a one skull that drops a key- at least thats what im assuming