World boss blocking on official

I play on pve-c 1036. For weeks now a clan is spawn blocking the spider boss not far from sinkhole. Several people already submitted reports and the base keeps standing there.
Now I find this:
Conan Reddit

So, although being against ToS, this is a thing now?


I mean REALLY now???

totally ridiculous


What the actual f…? This is ridiculous!


Perhaps it’s not what you know, but who you know.
If you know what this one means?

Beyound the middling possibility of a (it’s not even really deep it would be so easy, neh) bit of editing chicanery, this one isn’t actually that surprised.

Not that one should be permitted to just spawn block world bosses, especially with the update to legendaries, but rather, one should not expect better.

This one’s time on public servers has been…
Mildly amusing, but also a lesson regarding inconsistency in administration.
The ban hammer falls with whimsy bordering upon frivolity in some cases… while others cannot be budged even at the most flagrant of violations.
That’s why this one only plays on the PvP variety of Public servers now (this one is quite happy on a couple well tended Private servers for PvE and E-C). The poor public admins are either over worked or otherwise not equal to the task. This one does not know all the nuts and bolts behind the scenes. At least on a PvP server you only have to wait for the raid window, rather than the HoA, to get satisfaction.


Classic 1036 PVE-C again…
This is why I barely play on this server anymore.

So 0 reason to report anyone? Then just why is anyone being banned at all?

really thinken it’s time to go play 7days.

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I once got video evidence, and the location of a wall completely blocking the stream that flows south from violet isle, that suddenly prevented me from dragging unconscious thralls to my wheel. And someone from support said there was no rule violation.

Wow and i lived in fear because i blocked a tigerspawn.


I now had this confirmed by another player. This really begs the question, that they should update the ToS as well as tjhe battle pass challenges, as some of them involve world bosses

that reply seems to go directly against the directives spelled out in the Official Server Guidelines Players see on login to an Official Server.

How does a World Boss not fall into this category?

@Community I would appreciate some clarification regarding the response shared in the Original Post.


I reported a clan blocking the way to the spider boss near the black galeon on another official server, got the same response.

I had a miniboss challenge, had to go to 3 to find one that wasn’t built over.

Yeah… well, what can I say at this point? Society is going crazy. Sooner or later it had to reflect on videogaming industry. People have their priorites and values all messed up. No wonder they can’t enforce a ToS coherently.

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I’ll volunteer to be admin on the public server I’m on.

The saddest thing is that I can predict how this will go. This thread will be closed and Funcom will not reach out to the player who complained. If they did so, they would “risk” their communication with that player being later posted online. Better to leave the problem be and pretend nothing is happening.

It’s all about not setting precedents…


Most asked for them to take a hands off approach and be able to deal with issues themselves.

I’m sure if the OP asks his fellow FC provided server players nicely, they will graciously allow him the use of the world spawns he is looking for. Being that said players are ultimately innocent and FC should simply leave them be.

Surely you all do not want the players labled in the OP’s report to be suspended and lose their stuff or face a wrongful ban, right?

The only thing I suppose people want is coherence from Funcom’s admins, rather than randomness or hypocrisy.

If you have rules and you enforce them, it is incoherent and hypocritical to say “yeah but not this time lmao”
We want (I assume) clarity and certainty when it comes to rules, not ambiguity and uncertainty.


No one is going to ever agree with what coherency actually is. For them to truly be consistent would be to enact a standard and just stick to it and ignore all complaints from that point on. It piss’s everyone off, but it is consistent.

When they listen to feedback, well then they lose their consistency because feedback is never consistent. Not unless it is from a single source.

If everyone got together and agreed to just pick a person to devise how enforcement should be done and simply allow that to represent everyone as a whole, then you can see consistent results due to feedback. Would you all like for me to provide that feedback on your behalf? I’ll do it. You may not like everything that comes out of it, but it will be consistent.

You’ve heard or read me blather on about the builds on the PVE server I’m on. IF admin logged in to the server and started enforcing a clarified TOS, I know of at least 5 builders; not sure how many builds, would get a nice vacation. Not my opinion, they are blatant.

I can guaranty 2 of those people are whales. Crom may not have any power but croms sure do.
Funcom has to know what actually enforcing the TOS on the public server would do to player count and sales. It’s not in funcoms best financial interests to enforce the TOS on PVE servers. That is my opinion and I’m confident in it.