Would be nice to have boats

Can we have boats like canoe or something.


Yes, in an expantion whit alot of water and the swamparea in Another post,

Not gonna happen.

What do you need a boat for?

Is it too far of a walk from noob beach to the jungle?

Well more for fun and maybe to have a raft on the lakes but whit poseble map expantions it can be more water areas spec in the cost area.

There are no map expansions planned all that open space up to is reserved to dungeons at this point in time. If they did plan on an expansion it would have to be within the wall. The sea does not have this option beyond those islands.

The game is going well so its a pritty big chans it will be an expantion even if they dont tell about it. Sone or later i guess it will come. And the blank area N of the swangel is most poeseble ara… at the cost area …

It’s reserved. It’s where all the dungeons are right now.

And its not poseble to mowe then? And wher do you thing next map area will come?

Probably not till they reconstruct the entire map which will probably (very small maybe) fix the issue for mounts falling through the ground. But it is a lot of work and again take a lot of time.

Yes the expantion will not come to morow.

But ask one more time wher do you thing next map expantion will be plased?

Are you asking where on the map or biome?

Offcore on the map what ells do we talk about!

Are you not reading!? The map would have to be constructed. What you see as the map will change the borders will be further out if they simply move the dungeons or perform a layered structure mapping. I don’t care where the next expansion would be if anything what I want is even further north and wrap around the volcano.

Read, ia aske wher you ting it will be not wher you which!

HEHE Yes a new map have to be constructged for and expantin thats ovius.

Is this some kind of leet speak? Are you talk to texting? Where do I think is no where it isn’t even being planned. If they made a statement saying the map/land system was being reconfigured or and expansion is coming I would then begin to speculate.

Expansion is easy in the form of an instance. You don’t need space beyond resources. If they run the game right they will have plenty of financial resources.

According to them, the map is complete and not being expanded.

The only place you can use a boat would be down noob river and into the Buccaneer Bay.

You can swim now the entire way, not lose any speed when you have stamina, not drown and not be attacked by anything along the way.

Don’t see the point in boats.

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Why? You run faster than that and I’m pretty sure you still swim faster too.