Game mode: [Offline | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug
Region: US
I am building a 2 story house near the Executioners’ Cave, with all of the spiders, and I am on a hill top collecting wood and stones and all of a sudden my character is stuck. I am unable to unstick him by leaving the game and coming back in, moving doesn’t work in any fashion, and I haven’t a clue how to suicide the character and show back up in my bed. I am playing single player offline. If you look down at the character in XBOX one he appears hollow and that is all I see around me is hollowness and portions of my armor. I really do not want to lose this character and could use some helpful suggestions please.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- I have no idea how this happened so unable to tell you how to recreate it. I was moving around one minute and then not.