Xevyr's guide to Thralls

I guess I could add those now that they’re made into regular fighters :man_shrugging: but yea, they were deliberately filtered out up to now since they were just items. If I have time I might do it when I update it again for release.

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New top tier thrall: Gratt Stinkfinger the tanner.


really ? what a joke lol…

I’m pretty sure @Catastrofus was making a joke… Right? :smiley:

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haha knowing funcom balance abilities… you never know lol. hope it is a joke.

Isn’t the stat growth rate for crafters set at 0 anyway, like the bartenders?

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I called it, you all thought i was kidding but i called it.

He starts with 2.5kHP, hits decently hard already and best of all, he has no voice lines.

Edit: correction on the HP

Edit 2: so it seems that crafters also benefit from the racial bonuses and whatnot. So i suppose Cimmerians, Skelos, Army of Aquilonia and Dagon Cultist crafters will be worth having over your average ‘Lone Fisherman’ and such.

I did add crafters to that list btw


Thanks @Xevyr. Somehow these days i start understand why you’re not visiting often.
This ain’t a forum of discussion anymore…
But thanks for the effort it’s really appreciated.

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Dang, Gratt is #673??
I think i just mustered the courage to tell him to wash his hands again.

Love this and great work. You don’t touch on zombies here or the corrupted authority perks, any guidance on those? Zombies vs Thralls? Advantages/Disadvantages to corrupting Authority?

I have been playing around with the zombies and corruption builds and was looking for more insight. I also searched the spreadsheet for zombies and nothing was found, are they labeled as something else?

They have a separate one, since their stats are derived from the base NPCs.
Here’s the link, however this one hasn’t been updated to the latest version of the game (thou there hasn’t really been much change to them aside from the new stuff being added)

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Always followed you on here- even named a thrall after you but he got nuked in this latest patch. :joy:

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