Yamatai Stools are not used by Bar Patrons

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3890

Bug Description:

Patrons and crafters do not use the Yamatai stools, and barely use the pillows.

Prior to the update, the bar room with stools was packed. There have been no customers in that room yet. The pillows are used sparingly, and seem to be only when all other seats are taken.

Bug Reproduction:

Standard play

Neither are tavern benches. Supposed to sit three, but only one works. And if a crafting thrall wants to sit, it stands on the table instead.

I’ve had three on a bench, so this is something I cannot confirm.

As far as crafters, they stand on any table at any time. If they worked harder, they wouldn’t have time to party this much.