100 Crystals and what did it get me?

Hello Siptarians

So we all know about the insane RNG behind loot drops in Siptah. But I thought it would be interesting to see what recipe drops I get if I spent 100 power crystals in one go.

What did it get me? Nothing more than the following:
Dragon Armor
Dragon hide armor
Silent legion armor
Voidforge weapons
Hardened steel cages
Coloured candles
Vagabond armor

That’s literally it. I got absolutely no variation other than cycling through this lot.

Surely, surely this means the RNG is too much??

How many crystals do I have to spend to get SOMETHING?? 200? 300?

Come on dude, this is a bit extreme. These items are literally valueless because they are so common. It needs to be evened out.


I’m confused (what’s new :wink: ) - isn’t that pretty much the full list for drops from the tower? What recipes were you expecting to get? (Or have I forgotten a bunch of tower recipes?)

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There is at least triple the recipes that he listed available to drop in tower, including Fast Elevators which is a staple for anyone who wants an elevator at all.

EDIT: maybe not triple, it looks like he listed ‘all’ voidforge weapons as one entry. So he probably got 2/3 of what is available.

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I hate elevators (as a result of some issues with the way I built my last base :wink: ) - I guess maybe I blanked that one from my memory lol.

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There is only 23 recipes from the tower. Little hard to tell what you are missing beyond fast elevators, parchments and Wanderlust armor. Although Wanderlust may be Vagabond armor you listed.

(21) Tower of Siptah: All New Items & Unlocks from the Menagerie - Preview | Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah - YouTube


Even in exile lands if you go to the library, you ain’t gonna get all the recipes in one day even if you spend 500 or a thousand :man_shrugging:. If you were trying 10 fragments per day for ten days in a row you would have more chances to get all the recipes. If I want something badly I don’t farm it more than 10 times per day, it’s a useless effort, at least that’s what I figured out all this time I play. If it is the day however don’t stop until you fall asleep with the controller in your hands :crazy_face:. It is pay day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit. @Sir.Henry.Vale in this video it seems that dragon bone armors are one recipe, but I got so far only the medium part :man_shrugging:. Have I done something wrong and I cannot see the other 2 options?

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For my private servers, we programmed the recipe exchange thespians so you can get the recipe you want by exchanging one you do not need plus 1 fragment of power. Also, with an extra cost (2 fragments of power instead of 1), you can buy the one you want. Or we had one you trade a scroll for a fragment of power.

All thanks to Pippi mod. Less headaches for the player.


I only did a quick review of the video. I was looking for a post/wiki that stated all the scrolls you get from the Tower but that was lacking so this was the best I could find. The video may be lacking a (or more) recipe(s), but it was a good starting point.

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They can chose the scroll. I have 2 scripts written by a friend. One for Exiled lands for the scrolls on that map and one for Siptah. I need to fix Siptah where I think I was missing 2 scrolls.

I will check with my friend first since he did write it for me. I had the idea… but not a programmer.

There was one quirk with the script, which has not been resolved. So a person can not cancel mid-stream his exchange/purchase… it will eat the items submitted. My friend has been dealing with RL issues so he was distracted since he put it on the server to resolve that issue. Otherwise, it was working as intended. Another issue, I guess you cannot see what you are purchasing until you submit the items.

So its not perfect, but the work around is anything that you can exchange would be the items you can get back. The script I think takes almost the entire available space available so it has lot of linked boxes.

In exile lands my 1st goal was always the tablet of power. Sometimes I was getting it as the last recipe and used over 100 Fop. Through calculations back then the recipes was 28 total. So I was throwing 70 and more Fop to gain the tablet. The other scrolls just made happy others :rofl::rofl::rofl:. But 70 fragments was already 700 feat points :man_shrugging:. You only need tablet of power to save fragments, but if it doesn’t come soon then it is a waste :crazy_face:. There for I suggest to buy the recipe of tablet of power from the archivist like the oil memory with 5 fragments. Then it will have a meaning don’t you think?


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought you could get all recipes from what is available on Exiled Lands Maproom Archivist in the Siptah tower?

So I should be getting way more recipes in the Tower right?

Exiled Lands and Siptah have different recipe tables.


Do you happen to know what those loot tables are?

I will ask someone will better devkit skills to see what the tables are. I only go by other websites and such.

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Thanks to @Multigun assistance, For Exiled Lands:

The table is:

KinscourgeStatue 29001
SerpentmenStatues 29002
Kiln 29003
Waymarkers 29004
MercantileSigns 29005
PracticeSwords 29006
TheGlasser 29007
ReinforcedStool 29008
BattleSpatula 29009
TableLeg 29010
Gravedigger 29011
DeadLeg 29012
PetrifiedEgg 29013
SerpentmenThrone 29014
VenomSword 29015
VenomSword2H 29016
VenomWarAxe 29017
VenomDaggers 29018
VenomPike 29019
TabletOfPower 29020
EssenceOfRot 29026
SkelosArmor 29024
DeadBindings 29022
Grindstone 29021
Taxidermy 29027
HavocAndMalice 29028
WhirlWindBlades 29029
ChosenMask 29030
FastElevators 29031
ColoredCandles 29036

For Siptah, I will have to get back to you on that.


For Siptah (which may not be 100% accurate) - was based on some research months ago for Pippi’s Mushi Engine where we could exchange scrolls for other scrolls or buy a scroll with 2 power fragments.


I am missing at least 1 Dragon armor sets on this list (never had a chance to fix it). Also, I am not sure Silent Legion and Dragon heavy armor drops this way or another way on Siptah.

I think I am missing Fast Elevators as well.

Based on the video posted before, there is only 23 recipes in Siptah so I had listed 21 above and 2 possible missing so if that is correct, then you know the recipe tables for both maps.

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Update: Missing Dragonhide Armor, Candles and Fast Elevators for Siptah library scroll list. Grenades, I was informed were removed (which I need to fix on my Thespian mushi script). This puts the list at 23 for Siptah. 30 for Exiled Lands.


Wow this is amazing thank you so much!!

Research genius!!

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I feel your pain. I’ve had a similar experience with the Cartographer’s scroll wall.

I use the collection of fragments as a way to level thralls so that there is, at least, that positive to the effort no matter how disappointing it is to get my 29th copy of Practice Sword.

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