15th Anniversary Event

As of 12:00 pm Eastern the daily logins have swapped over – to be seen if RF box drops is doubled.

Any word @ adding the “missing” item shop boxes/discounts?

The daily rewards are active - RF rewards needs more time to be activated.

Is it true, that the event is just running 2 weeks instead of 3 weeks this time @AndyB

That wouldn’t make any sense btw, because the daily claims showing claims for 3 weeks. And what’s about the double RF-Shards, which were promised in the announcement? And why is the announcement not even pinned here in the official forum?

Please talk to us. It’s 1 minute of ur time as a community-manager :wink:

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I hope so much !!!

I’m really sorry to see how the FC don’t give a ****** about the AoC.
The 15th anniversary event is tragic. It’s not even Copypasta anymore. A 3 week event cut down to just 2 weeks, plus it was dysfunctional to begin with.
They can’t even give discounts on overpriced stuff in store or on clearance.
This is very undignified…

Honestly I don’t know why you are all getting so butthurt still. It’s been obvious for years that they do not give a shit about this game and no amount of ■■■■■■■■ and crying you do on the forums is going to change that.

We are at the point where you just have to play the game and accept it for what it is now.


no steam sales too. shame on you Funcom

no extra RF rewards as well even though they clearly mention it on the blog post

“In-game, we’ll be running special Daily Login Rewards and extra Raid Finder rewards until June 6th at 9:00 AM EST.”

gl next year

Yuppp, no double RF shards. This still coming, @Umborls? Need more time? Should we gief up? :sob:

Also, any word about adding the item shop boxes and special discounts? A Steam sale, perhaps?

Less than 14 days to take the horse. Next year Funcom can do even worse.

They can forget AoC anniversary or just shut down the servers.

Such a fail of an event. I’m honestly surprised they did as little as they actually did.

It’s the 15th anniversary and they do this horrible thing, a failure.
Their mistake deprived people of rewards and they didn’t even give discounts on overpriced stuff.
That’s no way to treat a game that people love and that’s supposed to celebrate 15 years.
Funcom has failed badly. @AndyB @Funcom_Community

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Ungh, this is so disappointing. tbh I nearly logged immediately after the daily reset last night thinking something like this could happen. Honestly I’d hoped it would be in the opposite direction w/ the event lasting (much) longer than two wks – as it did last yr.

The double RF shards were never actually implemented (could at least implement 6x 200 shards from loyalty claims again like what happened the first winter event when the double bonus originally broke). Cut-off the opportunity to get the best reward from daily logins literally the day everyone who logged in the previous 13 days was one day shy of receiving it. Don’t include the Kuth set helm in claims like usual… not that you’d have enough time to get the full set on any new characters anyhow as it takes 16 completions/days to do so.

Heck, I was itching to gamble buying some discounted item shop boxes. Particularly if they added the ones they used to add during events only. It seems like poor business sense not to implement them.

…but worst of all truly is the total silence from @AndyB, @Umborls, @Rooibos, and anyone else at FC who might even pretend to care we still exist and love this game so much. The 15th anniversary news post was clearly a lie. If the fact that it contained a repeated paragraph in it wasn’t already a dead giveaway. :cry:

Sadly the best advice in this thread was the very first post: “stop it, get some help.”


What a bad joke! @AndyB @Umborls @Rooibos

Not cool Funcom ! at least you must let the event finish or give us some rewards for compensation.

Don’t forget players are still playing and loving this game…

If you don’t want anymore give it to someone more competent than you at least , it will avoid the
increase of shame you already have.

They give a s*** about us paying players since years. I bet they don’t even read the posts in this forum. You should send a e-mail to the funcom-headqarter, maybe there will be a reaction. A big maybe but maybe…

You know why I keep coming back to these forums even though I don’t play this game anymore? It’s like a nonstop train-wreck and I can’t look away. What do you guys honestly expect? they clearly want you gone so they can (legally) shut the game down and toss it in the trash. they always have time to ban people for mundane reasons at the end of the day, but never time to address real issues. think on that for a minute. :thinking:

They will not give the game to another company either because that would require them to relinquish their rights to the Conan IP and with exiles out, that aint happening. You guys keep asking for changes or this or that but it’s like the definition of insanity: Conducting the same task over and over and expecting different results.

You guys seriously need AoC rehab. Funcom isn’t going to change or add anything else to the game that can’t be flicked on or off with a gui command window. you may as well go play Exiles if you want a game that gets regular updates based on the Conan IP.

And if you continue to pay them money… well then the jokes on you. It’s the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet because that’s what this company is… a Toilet. Only unlike an actual toilet, this one sh*ts on you. :rofl:


AOC has no community manager - best of luck getting things added or changed.

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