2 clans banned?

My clan and a clan got banned from conan for literally probably our base? But we literally built very minimal compared to what we would use to do with land claim. Honestly wasn’t even laggy… a Spanish clan just mass reported us and literally bragged about it on YouTube . Imagine this is what the game has come to. Can’t even make a pillar base with gates around it . That’s it and some vaults…. This game is unplayable . I’ll just get you banned with my 10 man clan claiming you make the game lagg/ block you from spawning resources or whatever. Fix up conan everyone’s already off playing new games cause of this Tom foolery


They literally got clapped so many times that they have to ban 2 clans to compete. This is the state of the game. Good job funcom. Lmao we could have easily reported them for their base too


Меня забанили ни за что, а на апеляции указали что бан за спам. Ты понимаешь? Бан за то что я пишу в поддержку и требую от них выполнять свою работу. У нас весь клан ушëл. Вместо того чтоб чинить игру они просто решили всех банить, ведь это самое простое решение

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