Hey all, its been a while since i did anything. Last year or the year before i hosted a 220 Prof v prof pvp tourny for the NT’s who wanted to join. Gave out quite a few prizes and the community turn out was dope.
So with that being said, ill be hosting another Tourny on DECEMBER 15th 2020, Turn out expected to be bigger than last time (Hopefully). The professions have not been decided yet, But it wont be NT’s again : )
If you would like to participate feel free to Send me a tell on Ryomae or Raishen, With your Char name , and Profession. Once we get atleast 10 characters of a certain profession, than that profession is officially registered. This tourny is expected to last a minimum of 1 week and will consist of multiple professions. ill keep everyone updated on everything.
Once your Character has been verified. You will notice a Checkbox next to your name! Lets Enjoy this game once more and have another fun round this year.
Due to Popular demand, a 3v3 Tournament will also take place on the same date. Register your team partners in game or on the Forums here, and will be updated as such.
Prizes are still being donated. As of right now we have 5 graces to hand out to the winners of there professions.strong text
KC we need to set this up, we need to bring back some dueling. Maybe to start we can just schedule some days for duels in general so everyone can come and join. If we get some people to show and gain momentum we can than schedule a more official tourney.