Another twink duel tournament level 15 ! for froobs and paids

Hello once again ! Il be hosting another duel tournament , this time for froobs and paids . Level 15 . Rewards will be seperate for best of paids and best of froobs . The tournament will be on 8th May 19.00 gmt+1

1st place 1b
2nd place 500m
3rd place 250m
Its same for froobs and paids . Every1 gets to fight every1 .

Rules :
Duels best of 3
Self buffed
Wrangled pets allowed
Kiting allowed
No predraining
No gauntlet buff

Dueling zone : Coast of peace - 1745.0, 718.4, 16.0 (1745.0 718.4 y 16.0 556)
Dueling and scoring : Best of 3 win gets you 2 PTS , Draw 1 PT and Lose 0 PT - Discord for the tournament ( Fixed link now )

Any kind of suggestions are appreciated .
Sorry for my bad english and looking forward for you lads to join the tourny ! ! !

To register you can write on the forum page or send me email with your main name and proffesion you are twinking and dueling with

Dhard : 15 Keeper

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