3 semi-experienced players looking for a server


Greetings Exiles!
A Clan of three is looking for a nice pvp server (no offline raiding would be awesome). We have played together on several official servers but we always end up being offline for few days and getting offline raided. We are all 27 y.o., friendly and serious about the game. We can roleplay if neccesary, we are all familiar with R.E. Howard’s world.


Hi. Where are you from?

You might check Conan-Exiles Bazaar lot of people advertising server’s of all types

I just purchased for ps4 looking for somewhere to start with a clan. I have over 4k hours in PC and have optio s for being nearly unraidable if you guys want to find a official to lock down

Hey we are from Poland.

Thanks but I google it and dont seem to find anything.

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Hey I’d love to hear about your almost unraidable base idea. As far as my knowledge goes every base is easily raidable if you have enough explosives. Message me on discord if you wish.
Discord: #9944

email me on Discord : Viktoriia#2855

Conan-Exiles Bazaar is on your playstation under community’s on the dashboard next to friends. In search type Conan Exiles Bazaar it’s been up since I began playing 28 614 members and yes some are jerks.

Thanks for the replies everybody. Topic can be closed now.

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