Like what you see? Come register your clan at our discord for the event.
We have 4 Clans registered, looking for another 3 or 4 clans.
Capture the Thrall event
Starts Friday 8th March 18:00 CET and will run until for approximately 4-7 days.
All clans will recieve a vault full of crafted T3 building pieces, Bombs, Weapons, Armor, Heals etc…etc… and will receive 3 x T4 Purge thralls to protect (Captain Oda)
The aim of the event is to steal as many Purge thralls as possible from various clans. The clan with the most thralls on the final day will win the event.
Each clan gets to choose their base location
Admin will spawn your gear at your pre-agreed base location with all equipment pre-event so it’s ready.
24 hours to build your base - no stealing/raiding from each others bases during this time - PvP is fine & Encouraged!
Raiding will be 12:00 - 23:00 CET at the weekend and 18:00 - 23:00 CET week days.
All players will be set to level 60 so no need to level up
All clans get 1 x T4 thrall of each type - Farm more if you want
No offline raiding
The winning clan gets to award a competing clan of their choice a prize for the next Event.
public maprooms built by admin at every obelisk
You’ll still need to farm some basic mats depending on your clans strategy but the purpose behind this event is to have loads of PvP with less farming grind.