A Message from the Customer Service Manager

Hey everybody. I wanted to take some time and speak to the ongoing status of Funcom’s Customer Service. I wanted to highlight the things I know are causing a lot of frustration for you all. I wanted to transparently let you know that it’s frustrating for us too. So, I’ve kind of posed some questions that I feel reflect a lot of the concerns I’m hearing from you all through your tickets and provided some answers.

What is taking so long to get help from Customer Service?

We’re a small team with a lot of responsibilities. We do our best to reply as quickly as we can. I’m genuinely sorry for the wait times we have right now.

Do you reply to every inquiry?

We reply to each unique inquiry, yes. Often, we will not reply to harassment and exploit reports; it’s very common for us to receive more than one report about a player’s misbehavior. We are not going to reply to each of these. It’s very time consuming and our time is better spent elsewhere. Please know that we receive and read all inquiries.

Another good example is when, due to long wait times, customers open multiple tickets concerning the same issue. We will not respond to each of these tickets; we will do our best to compile all the information and address any issues presented through one reply.

Is it going to get better?

Yes and no. Our current workload is greatly increased due to how many in game events and special offers we have run in the last couple months. Quite simply, we encouraged people to play our games and they did. As we catch up with the large influx of tickets wait times will reduce. In this way, it will get better.

At the same time, we will have to continue to change how we offer service and prioritize some problems above others. In this way, I’m certain people will conclude that our service is getting worse. Thankfully, our development team is working on a few systems and tools that will help automate several common, simple interactions that we have with customers. We want to spend more time helping players with uncommon issues and spend less time addressing things that we can automate.

Why don’t we see you on the Forums and Social Media anymore?

Frankly, I’ve not been prioritizing it as I should. These are excellent venues in which I can communicate very quickly to a large audience of interested players. As we settle into a more consistent plan of action, I plan on returning to more regular activity.

I appreciate your ongoing patience. I’m going to head back into the mines and try to help as many of you as I can. I hope you each enjoy your time in our games. I greatly appreciate the continued support you all offer us.