This special thrall has 30 in all stats at lv 1. Plus 1 to all stats until level 29. A plus 2 at level 30. This thrall can cook food and gather water for their player only. This thrall respawns at your bed or next to you. If you drop gear on death. Then this thrall drops it gear on death.
The personal thrall you create. You choose what race this personal thrall is. You choose what this thrall looks like. You dress this thrall.
Personal thralls have 15 inventory slots.
One personal thrall per player. The personal thrall cannot target players or be target by players. This helps with friendly fire. I feel this thrall would be op in pvp. So making it unable to harm players allows balance.
Then how do they plan to do the settlement system? This opens a tiny beta for settlement system. To test to see how 1 AI thrall can work for the player.
Considering that many thralls wont even finish with 30 in all stats, and you want them to start at that, I can see this creating balance problems for PvP. I can also see it making them massively overpowered (a term I dont throw around lightly) in PvE, to the point where they will be WELL over 10k of health by the time they hit level 30, and one shotting most enemies. Its a no for me, especially with figures like that.