I would like to be able to build a Gauntlet / training grounds that you can put your human thrall in (fighter and archer) which will train them to around level 15, you need alot of food and water, but it will level your thrall to about level 15.
Perhaps as a balance feature vs those who adventure with the thralls to level them up is that you would have to re-train the thrall/s after a week etc.
A few people have suggested thralls gain experience independently. My set thralls; fighters, archers, entertainers, would all be 20th now just from pink shoebills
To me if they can take damage from near by spawns attacking, why can’t they gain experience? Save me a lot of hassle; right now I grab a different thrall every time I go out. Figure it’s going to take a year of daily play to get them all up to 10th. I have other things to do.
I have three to four thralls thst are level 20. The one rest of my thralls level 15 they keep my base safe from any threats. Once i was able to take two thralls out at once it made leveling thralls upmuch easier There’s only so one can do. Perhaps you might try what i have posted. This just might work for you
Yeah the devs want more engagement. Having a passive xp for your thralls goes against that. What I would really like is leveling dependant on the highest damage multiplier vs this arbitrary fast, normal high setting. This way your weaker thralls level the fastest (I think bearers are like 0.8 so it would be 0.8 times the default) while your strong one takes twice as long.
On a game I played several years ago, The Lvl and combat skill tree was seperate.
A friend and me spent literally 100 of hours to lvl our skill tree before we lvled.
Endgame in Conan I would like to see something like this, more custom teachable combat skills.
But then you can’t just let our hard lvled thralls be wiped in an elevator glitch or crushed in a bridge. AKA stop changing stuff unless you know what you are doing.
I don’t know if you’re level 20 thralls do this or not but my level 20es do. I place on attack all enemies and watch them go to town. So to speak if they need help i there.But otherwise i don’t interfere.
Would be nice. Thralls used to be like gods in old Conan but you had wait over 24 hours for the T4’s to be ready to use, now the T4’s are ready in an hour but they’re pretty much useless. Don’t even waste your time on thralls anymore. You put all that time into leveling them and gearing them and then any average player comes along and that thrall is dead in under a minute. Unless you’re running the corrupted authority build. Then your thrall is tough enough to maybe survive the player attack, the problem is that you are not and your thrall can’t save you. I would like to see some changes made to the thralls. Something in between what they were then and what they are now.
I like it, especially now that leveling some thralls takes longer.
You can kind of do that in some dungeons, but you need to pay a lot of attention to feeding the thrall and healing it.
Ah, that word “engagement”, the issue I have with “engagement” is this word has merely been co-opted by game developers oftentimes as meaning grinding for the sake of time wasting grinding. Training your thrall only slowly adds experience so you you get some stats and ramdom 3 at level 20 “perks” that you as the trainer have no control over as you would if were truly training your thralls for what you wanted them to do.
Training fields are and were a thing when it came to teaching forces for combat and other tasks. This game ignores this fact and instead prefers to allow only the bare minimum of “engagement” into the training of your thralls.
That would be perfect. It’s not the first time this idea has been brought up here in the Forum, but this is certainly the best opportunity for it to be added to the game. Creating training grounds for thralls, where they can practice combat skills, would add much more life and immersion to the game (especially if the animations were also realistically implemented, as they are in the Wheel of Pain). It would also be great for setting the game in the context of the current War Age. From a monetization perspective, it would be perfect. Think about all the cosmetics that could be created for this training ground? Not to mention training animations, etc.
Funcom always uses phrases like “Prepare for War” when promoting the current Age. One of the best ways to get ready for a War is to train your soldiers.
Ummm yeah because until there is actual new content to be had, that is all we have to do. Grind.
IMHO, I think the botch here is that AoW isn’t about new content but about revising the content we have. It should have been the first age along with the attribute revision and the new journeys. Lots of content therein to be paired with the AoW stuff. AoS should be this age as it is a new thing with it’s new events etc etc etc.
Well if they would allow the religion system to bless / augment your thralls they could be more resilient you could even bring them back to life at your altar, with the right crafting items of course
So in addition to all of this nonsense thralls should level up on their own?? The game has already been made boring with these “improvements”, you don’t have to do anything yourself anymore. One hour thralls and tons of material with a couple of crystal rocknoses… It’s sad to see what this game and the community has become, doesn’t ANYONE want the game to be even the least bit challenging anymore??
And how is leveling thralls challenging? It just gets boring after a few dozens, let alone hundreds, @Koschgine .
Do you know what I would like? I would like to have all stats making a difference instead of being forced to only boost HP.
I would like the type of training, instead of just food and luck, could impact their stats’ growth. You give them an agility weapon and light armor and they develop agility. You give them heavy armor and a strenght weapon and they develop strenght. You take them to challenging fights where they get hit a lot and gritt is boosted. You feed them high quality foods and you boost their health.
Instead, what you get is a repetitive, easy and boring task. Even making the elixir of rebirth gets old fast.
So yeah, that’s what I would like. As I’ll get none of that, at least spare me the boredom.