a clansman made an undead out of a Thrall from the Wheel of Pain last night. Please say that these attributes are a huge coincidence, otherwise building a Thrall makes absolutely no sense. Until I have a Thrall at max level it takes several hours of play and then the attributes are absolutely ridiculous against this undead.
I’m really shocked when I think about how many hours I put into a Thrall to set it up.
Thanks for feedback.
The zombie I made (in the name of science) is definitely not that strong. I wonder which NPC he put into the grave?
Remember, zombies are temporary followers (they last or only a few days), and they cost you an otherwise useful permanent thrall. And as they can’t be equipped, their armor stat will be much lower than thralls, which means those hitpoints will melt petty quickly in combat.
Yeah. I’d much rather train one of those top-tier thralls into proper, permanent followers and equip them appropriately - but I guess if all you have is a freshly knocked out Berserker when a Rockslide is coming to knock on your door, an uglified, smelly berzombie is better than one still sweating on the Wheel of Fortune when a big, rocky fist hits the fan.
Berserkers and RHTS’s can hit over 5000 hitpoints at level 20 on average luck, so counting the fact that they can wear armor, they’ll end up more survivable than a zombie, and they’re probably better at fighting too. (I haven’t actually tried to make my zombie do anything other than snake dance yet, so I don’t know how useful it is in a fight.)
Those thralls are typically fairly easy to stock up as they have guaranteed spawn locations so I can see the attractiveness of throwing some in a grave to become zombies
Personally have a chest full of unplaced zerkers on 2 servers and it will let you use unplaced already tamed thralls in the shallow grave
Also like to point out you can normally have 3 zombies follow you and 4 with the war party perk
I personally prefer to lvl and gear them too but like you I’m particular on how mine look so spare ones go in a chest to give away etc
This just another option of what we can do with ones we didn’t want
Zombies are kinda interesting. Unlike thralls they have natural armor, come out at level 20, don’t need weapons. And have really good stats out of the gate. However they eventually decay and die.
So if you don’t want to level a thrall or equip one, Zombie is the way to go. If you don’t mind replacing them periodically.
Also even though they usually have between 950-1050 armor, I’ve noticed the occasional ~50 armor zombie, making them extremely vulnerable to damage when that happens. So they can be quite random.
I made one once and, honestly wasn’t impressed. My berserker thrall has excellent armor equipped, along with a ghoulish club. I compared that to the slow zombie with no weapons and I was thoroughly disappointed. Granted, I didn’t have 3 zombies, so yeah. Idk, I just would rather have more control over weapons and armor than have a meat shield that I can’t even level up and keep permanently.
He doesn’t remember what kind of Thrall it was, only that he got him from an action of the Leyshrine of the Demon. But he said it was definitely not a T4, more like T3 or T2.
In the meantime we have come to the conclusion that we can use all the archer thralls, which somehow feel useless, as undead. They can then protect our buildings against cleansing. Maybe more effective than an archer… maybe.