Ok, in the past days I’ve had a chance to reflect. I have to thank @Kapoteeni, for he’s right. I’ve been childish, arrogant and too much “passive-aggressive”. Well, maybe not that passive
By the way, he was right. I’ve been so saddened from the update that I’ve gone crazy. I insulted the Devs and, while I still think I was right about the “balance not being balanced”, I had no right to insult, offend and annoy people.
As I said I still think that, at the moment, Thrall System is messy. Here’s why:
Attribute System is not equal for every thrall. Some gains more Damage/Health Bonus from attributes than others. Why having Attribute System if it’s not equal for everyone ? Just give them the values you want and be done with it.
Now we have lower-tier Faction Thralls (Darfari) that get stronger than higher-tier factions ones. IF there was no Level System, it would be balanced. But Thralls can level-up and so Darfari (Cannibal Brutes in particoular) gain more Health per VIT and more Damage per STR/AGI than other thralls. This means that, at high levels (and notice that being T1 Faction they even level up faster), they become WAY STRONGER than anything else.
Now (but, honestly, even before) we have Fighers that make better archers than Archers. Cannibal Brutes have 2.8 Ranged Multiplier. Which Archer get so much ? What’s the point of having Archers (which already have lower health than fighers) if, even with bows, Fighters are better than them ?
The old topic has probably been closed by now, but I did make a simple scheme that, I think, would make Thrall System way more balanced and clean. I made that scheme again and modified some parts to make it more interesting.
Let's start by defining FACTION TIERS:
T1 | FAST | 360% | Exiles, Darfari |
T2 | MEDIUM | 320% | Black Hand, Dogs of Desert, Nordheimers |
T3 | SLOW | 280% | Cimmerians, Relic Hunters, Volcano, Lemurians |
- The higher the Tier, the lower will be the total growth chances.
- The higher the Tier, the slower will be the level-up.
- Do notice that T3 Factions are the ones at the edge of the map.
Now let's define how ATTRIBUTES work for every Thrall:
- Health Bonus per VIT: +2.5% (of Base Health)
- Damage Bonus per STR/AGI: +1%
- Armor Bonus per GRT: +15
Now let's define the BASE STATS for every Thrall:
They are based on:
- Faction Tier (T1 - T2 - T3)
- Thrall Tier (I - II - III - IV)
- Thrall Type (Fighter - Archer - Dancer - Bearer)
Base Health: 600 (T1) - 900 (T2) - 1200 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.2 (T1) - 1.4 (T2) - 1.6 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.6 (T1) - 0.7 (T2) - 0.8 (T3)
Base Health: 700 (T1) - 1000 (T2) - 1300 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.3 (T1) - 1.5 (T2) - 1.7 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.65 (T1) - 0.75 (T2) - 0.85 (T3)
Base Health: 750 (T1) - 1100 (T2) - 1450 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.4 (T1) - 1.6 (T2) - 1.8 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.7 (T1) - 0.8 (T2) - 0.9 (T3)
Base Health: 800 (T1) - 1200 (T2) - 1600 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.5 (T1) - 1.75 (T2) - 2.0 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.75 (T1) - 0.85 (T2) - 1.0 (T3)
Base Health: 450 (T1) - 600 (T2) - 750 (T3)
Melee Mult: 0.9 (T1) - 1.05 (T2) - 1.2 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 1.2 (T1) - 1.4 (T2) - 1.6 (T3)
Base Health: 500 (T1) - 700 (T2) - 900 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.0 (T1) - 1.15 (T2) - 1.25 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 1.3 (T1) - 1.5 (T2) - 1.7 (T3)
Base Health: 550 (T1) - 800 (T2) - 1050 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.05 (T1) - 1.2 (T2) - 1.35 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 1.4 (T1) - 1.6 (T2) - 1.8 (T3)
Base Health: 600 (T1) - 900 (T2) - 1200 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.15 (T1) - 1.3 (T2) - 1.5 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 1.5 (T1) - 1.75 (T2) - 2.0 (T3)
Base Health: 400 (T1) - 500 (T2) - 600 (T3)
Melee Mult: 0.9 (T1) - 1.05 (T2) - 1.2 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.6 (T1) - 0.8 (T2) - 1.0 (T3)
Base Health: 450 (T1) - 600 (T2) - 750 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.0 (T1) - 1.2 (T2) - 1.4 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.8 (T1) - 1.0 (T2) - 1.2 (T3)
Base Health: 500 (T1) - 700 (T2) - 900 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.1 (T1) - 1.35 (T2) - 1.6 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.9 (T1) - 1.1 (T2) - 1.3 (T3)
Base Health: 550 (T1) - 800 (T2) - 1050 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.2 (T1) - 1.5 (T2) - 1.8 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 1.0 (T1) - 1.25 (T2) - 1.5 (T3)
Base Health: 600 (T1) - 1000 (T2) - 1400 (T3)
Melee Mult: 0.6 (T1) - 0.75 (T2) - 0.9 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.4 (T1) - 0.5 (T2) - 0.6 (T3)
Inventory Size: 10
Base Health: 800 (T1) - 1200 (T2) - 1600 (T3)
Melee Mult: 0.75 (T1) - 0.9 (T2) - 1.05 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.5 (T1) - 0.6 (T2) - 0.7 (T3)
Inventory Size: 15
Base Health: 1.000 (T1) - 1400 (T2) - 1800 (T3)
Melee Mult: 0.9 (T1) - 1.05 (T2) - 1.2 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.6 (T1) - 0.7 (T2) - 0.8 (T3)
Inventory Size: 20
Base Health: 1.200 (T1) - 1600 (T2) - 2000 (T3)
Melee Mult: 1.15 (T1) - 1.2 (T2) - 1.35 (T3)
Ranged Mult: 0.7 (T1) - 0.8 (T2) - 0.9 (T3)
Inventory Size: 25
Finally, let's define STARTING ATTRIBUTES for each Thrall:
They are based on:
- Faction
- Thrall Type
- Thrall Tier
- Exiles: +5 STR, +5 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 GRT
- Darfari: +5 STR, +5 VIT, +10 GRT
- Black Hand: +5 STR, +5 AGI, +10 VIT
- Dogs of the Desert: +10 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 GRT
- Nordheimers: +10 STR, +5 VIT, +5 GRT
- Cimmerians: +10 STR, +10 VIT
- Lemurians: +10 STR, +10 GRT
- Relic Hunters: +10 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 GRT
- Volcano: +10 VIT, +10 GRT
- Fighter I: +2 VIT, +2 GRT
- Fighter II: +4 VIT, +4 GRT
- Fighter III: +7 VIT, +7 GRT
- Fighter IV: +10 VIT, +10 GRT
- Archer I: +2 AGI, +1 VIT, +1 GRT
- Archer II: +4 AGI, +2 VIT, +2 GRT
- Archer III: +7 AGI, +3 VIT, +3 GRT
- Archer IV: +10 AGI, +5 VIT, +5 GRT
- Dancer I: +3 AGI, +1 VIT
- Dancer II: +6 AGI, +2 VIT
- Dancer III: +10 AGI, +3 VIT
- Dancer IV: +15 AGI, +5 VIT
- Bearer I: +1 STR, +2 VIT, +1 GRT
- Bearer II: +2 STR, +4 VIT, +2 GRT
- Bearer III: +3 STR, +7 VIT, +3 GRT
- Bearer IV: +5 STR, +10 VIT, +5 GRT
Also, let's define some SPECIAL THRALLS which have modified Base Stats:
- Cannibal Brutes: +1 Melee Multiplier, x0 Ranged Multiplier, -300 Base Health
- Cimmerian Berserkers: +0.3 Melee Multiplier, x0 Ranged Multiplier, -400 Base Health
Do note that there could be other Special Thralls: I just named Brutes and Berserker cause they are the most famous, but I would consider some among the Exiles and Dogs of Desert too.
Cannibal Brutes are still the Top Damaging Thrall, but their Health is dramatically low (and STAYS dramatically low) and it’s just fair, cause they come from T1 Faction and level FASTER than anything else. They are basically Glass Cannons.
Health per VIT now scales on BASE HEALTH, so Cimmerian Berserkers will have Starting Health (and gain as much Health per VIT) as a T2 Thrall, but have Melee Damage higher than normal T3 Thralls.
This system in fair for ALL THRALLS. There won’t be Thralls that grow stronger than others, but all of them share the same system and values.
Unique behaviors will still be implemented through Special Thralls: they give up some Base Stats to get other bonses, which helps keeping the system balanced.
This system is very simple as the number of variables is low and so keeping everything balanced is pretty easy, especially compared to the previous one.
This system respect Thralls role, so there won’t be Fighters that make better Archers than Archers or vice-versa.
Base Attributes are not determined by Factions only, but Thrall Type will have a role as well, and it does makes sense cause starting Attributes are now fully determined by Thrall’s past experience as member of a specific faction with a specific role.
I really hope Devs and Staffer read this, so that even if they don't want to implement it as it is, maybe that would still give them ideas or, at least, highlights problems.
Take this for what it is, a caring suggestion from a caring player, who loves this game and only wishes for it to be the best game ever.