Ability to push followers and thralls you own

Thralls always get stuck in the corners of something, especially doorways. Probably the 80th time this has happened to me during a raid and the thrall just blocks the doorway and players just gas the room until im dead. Thralls you own should be able to be moved around by walking into into them so you dont get stuck in rooms when they block doorways and clip into the frame.

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As much as this would be great, i for see people some how pushing thralls into walls and you getting archer shot to death. or swords swings that are like traps you cant do anything about.


This feature already exists - you just need to ask them nicely, with your foot.


That works only durring PvP time. unless they changed that in the patches.

…implies the issue is during PvP time.

If not, have the thrall follow you & tell 'em to move.

They changed it and if a thrall follows you, you can kick him


you can use the command button , to tell them to move now , just make them follow you and press once the command button on the ground where you want your follower to go ( in example anywhere not in the door frame :wink: ) and it will go there ! unless I missunderstood your problematic , I beleive this can solve your problem .

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The move command doesn’t work in some spots. specifically in enclose unmapped spaces they just get confused when they’re told to move, especially if they get stuck. Im going to try and see if kicking them makes them move, it would be much better using kick to push thralls out of the way, I feel like I did that already though and it didn’t work. Some games have AI naturally move away when you get close or you can walk through them for a moment where they can’t back away enough.

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