Absent player bases in the server reset the decay upon the passage of a NON-owner player

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: =PVE, PVE-C=
Map: = ALL
Server Name: =1037-1304-6009-1051-6013-1050-1014=
Mods: =None=

Bug Description:

Absent player bases in the server reset the decay upon the passage of a NON-owner player

Bug Reproduction:

=pass by the bases not owned by you and you will see that the decay resets to 239:59:00 despite the fact that there are no online propietaries=

just logged on to report this… so much for being able to clean up the messes people leave on the server. now the mess gets to stay there forever!

funcom wont fix this lol. only option is single player.

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This needs addressing ASAP!

Someone has built right next to my base, literally right outside the build limits and I’ve not seen them on the server for months now

I suppose it’s been me that has been resetting their base timer everytime I log on :angry: