There is “silencing” and moderating. The first is to deprive a person of speech because his words disturb the “right-thinking”.
the second calms the words that can be hurtful or provocative. a forum just like society needs moderation.
moderation does not mean censorship
All criticisms which aims to advance the inbound, to allow us to understand our our errors and therefore we fit us up and even desirable.
Insofar as these criticisms are sincere and justified, they are welcome. They (criticism) must be objective and impartial.
When a loved one or a friends, a colleague is mistaken our duty as friends is to make him understand his mistake .
Leaving a friend or a loved one in pretext error not to upset him do not make us trust .
I had Educated like this and for me Funcom is a little like a friend (they have been sharing my hobbies for six years now)
I can only talk about my own case. Every time I was silenced it was either because I lost my temper with another forum user (or several) or because I brought to the forum topics that aren’t adequate to discuss here.
I was never silenced for criticizing funcom or the problems I find in the game. Honestly, when I was suspended I kind of figured it could happen, but, generally, I wanted to take something of my chest and wrote it anyway. So I never ended up shocked or surprised when I got a time out as a consequence. You reap what you sow and I had been a busy farmer.
About @Xevyr , I don’t know much about what happened, but it seems he made a light hearted joke and got silenced for a week or so. It seems heavy handed.
Anyway, things have been a bit on edge because this update came with problems. I moderated several boards for over a decade and I know I did my own share of mistakes. It happens, especially when things are tense. @Xevyr is a guy I truly appreciate and I believe he is one of the best assets of this community. As a person, he strikes me as a very agreeable, easy going type, someone I would have no trouble getting along in RL. I am positive that he will forgive and forget this action.
Guys, even if any form of interaction should reflect how we are as persons at our best, this forum is about a game. Don’t take things too seriously. I surely don’t.
Anyway, everyone here is trying. Everyone will make mistakes. Let’s not let the environment sour, for the sake of all. I actually have a good time when I’m around and I wouldn’t like that to change.
What is interesting to me is the amount of emphasis some are putting on that little bit of action Xevyr got. I’ve gotten silenced for far far less on two occasions in the last couple of years. This is the first I’ve even mentioned it on these forums. Its no big deal and everyone should just move on.
As darth liked to say, this is private property and we’re all guests invited to discuss our favorite game. Conduct yourselves accordingly.
Oh, I just said that in my opinion allowing world bosses to be blocked is the text-book definition of a bad idea since it does not have ANY benefits to anyone, but it can cause a lot of problems.
Then purely as a joke at the end of my post in response to the staff member saying they had a meeting, I suggested they have a second meeting, but this time bring less wine.
I also made sure to add “(jk)” at the end so they don’t mistake the intention That was pretty much my post word for word. Seconds later my post was gone and I got the email that I am silenced for a week.
Like I said multiple times, it is what it is apparently they did take it the wrong way… or maybe there was something else behind it and just wanted to make an example idk… I just know that this was between people implying they use drugs and calling them imbeciles and all that jazz, so I didn’t get why “wine” specifically was the magic substance.
Given how I typically use my forum account… it did seem a bit like shooting themselves in the foot though.
But I wouldn’t say that it was entirely for “nothing”, whether the magnitude of the reaction was appropriate or justified that’s a different question.
Probably because they find it strange, especially given how that thread looked But it’s whatever.
I think that’s enough talk about this subject, before we all get another week for discussing it… lol
FWIW, it wasn’t my intention to make it the sole topic here. I mentioned it in the wider context of how these forums are moderated. But it seems to have struck a chord – or a nerve – and it seems I’m not the only one who found it interesting.
Hell, it’s even inspired an attempt at a pіssing contest, apparently
Its not just the game its the forum too. People here do the same as on official game server, make an new account and go on.
I said this from the beginning and say it now again: you can not silence someone unless the other person lets it happen. The more Funcom tries to shut down people the more likely it will become that the pot boils over and it backlashes hard on them. They might control this forum, but not other plattforms.
I just noticed today that all of “Palm52X” accounts – @Palm521, @Palm522, and @Palm523 – are completely gone. And I don’t mean silenced or banned, I mean the accounts don’t exist and even the posts are deleted.
I believe I read of him asking for their accounts to be deleted. I think it was something to do with privacy concerns and work laptop. Might be wrong though.
Is it friendly teasing? If not it’s provoke!
There’s nothing wrong to be sentimental with your fellow members and support them, is it? @CodeMage always support us and i am great full for it.
And not only @CodeMage.
Tae Tae!
This one started rummaging around their profile to see what all of these titles and badges and such are about. This topic was very informative in that regard.
To this one’s mild surprise, you are the one that this one is most likely to be publicly pestering.
This one owes you a drink or dessert of your choice, as this one is not entirely unaware of what a… particular joy… they are to interact with.
/Targeted response
On to the wider tangent topic, this one likes being noted as “Respected” and “Empathetic”. It’s so fun. Like playing a Paladin in D&D… and so utterly foreign to the truth of the matter. These are dignified and benevolent appellations. Far outside of what this one deserves.
Regular. This is a double edged sword. Being a regular at a bar tends to be viewed as a good thing (so long as one may quit whenever they want and are not neglecting other duties while carousing). But in other circumstances… Regular, ok, average… Meh.
Regular or Diet? (To be fair, this one is obviously not a diet kind of creature, but just the same)
Where is the badge for obnoxious prat?
Where is the Troller Coaster operations crew badge?
For those more levelheaded and less pugilistic, where is the fire fighter badge for heroically trying to diminish or extinguish the flame wars?
Yes yes, a foolish jest, but this one’s previous post was probably too serious (if entirely accurate).
In short, perhaps, while one might be affronted by what happens in a place, it is important to gird ourselves with realistic expectations and always be ready to separate the substantial from the superficial.
After all, we are on a forum, discussing a game, based on nearly century old natural man power fantasy.
Taking such a thing too seriously somewhat violates the originating principles, neh?
Let us not become exactly the kind of bickering wall hiders that Conan would laugh at.
Or at least, not take it seriously if we do.