Absolute Rubbish
So, we cant even talk about things anymore?
Absolute Rubbish
So, we cant even talk about things anymore?
Good luck
Given that a community member in good standing got silenced for a week over a light-hearted joke in a thread where much worse was posted without consequences, I’m not sure what to expect when trying to continue a discussion about rules.
I mean, im suprised people havent seen this shit coming last couple of years
The rule is now as it has ever been.
Those with authority make the rules.
They choose how, when, and even if to enforce them.
Pretenses of the “rule of law” or “equity” or whatever other saccharine coating being put forth were, are, and always will be, either polite fictions or deliberate deceptions for those inclined to accept them.
If there is some system that ever resembled fairness, it was maintained either thru a fear based balance of power where those who made/enforced the rules understood their position was tenuous, or on the benevolent whims of an autocrat.
Unrealistic expectation is the natural parent of the triplets disappointment, frustration, and resentment.
Do not turn away from this learning opportunity. Embrace and internalize it here so that it does not surprise you in a time and place of greater consequence.
They downgraded my trust level too took away the regular badge. Though I’m not sure if that’s automatic or someone went through extra trouble for it.
It’s automatic @Xevyr . I lost it a few times too. Welcome back! I still trust you, not mattering any badge.
There will never be productive discussion about the rules here. All it takes is one poster to derail a genuine thread or make it about their specific case for a thread to get locked. Why those specific posters aren’t just removed from the discussion, I do not know. Hell, I had support staff delete their DMs on the topic back when the new TOS dropped, I assume as a CYA measure.
They have no interest in transparency, the rules are there for us to interpret and the ban team will act in accordance to their understanding whether our interpretation aligns or not. And now it seems their understanding can change and they don’t even feel the need to formally inform us, we just have to parse it out ourselves as a community.
Every attempt at understanding has been met with support treating players like all our confusion is a veiled attempt to push or break the boundaries, and while some of that exists, the vast majority are players simply uncomfortable being left in the dark on matters the rules treat as nuisance yet that they personally experience as regular play. To play on officials is to accept that you are at risk of being permanently banned even if you read and do your best to follow the rules.
All I can say about the original post is that finding bases there on pvp is very common.
The content of that chest is mostly worthless anyway. Random common stuff.
Although i believe we have several productive conversations in here about many matters, it’s true that sooner or later the conversation will start to become personal vendetta between members.
I slowly stop argue with opinions i disagree, it’s pointless, i search for opinions i agree, or parts of them and i build my post for topic on them.
If you think of it, this is what the term “feedback needs”. One solid opinion from each individual!
It’s general discussion, yes, but discussion, not pvp.
It’s an automated title for not loosing a single day of visiting this forum for a whole year. All you need to do to loose it, is don’t visit just one day.
I was happy the very first time i took it, the second i didn’t even use it. One day i couldn’t visit the forum for unknown reasons, the next day is gone , so what? It changes nothing for me, literally nothing. I come in here for you guys and gals, not for budges, your friendship is my best budge
Too true.
This is hyperbole, and not intended to minimize the efforts of those who post in good faith seeking understanding.
A more accurate statement would be that productive conversation on the topic can only go so far given the moderation practices of the forum, the lack of transparency from support, and IMO the tendency to dismiss good faith actors in an effort to stonewall those of bad faith by those in charge.
that’s not actually entirely true But as you can see @MarcosC was correct, the silencing automatically gets rid of it
Idk… that trusted status is pretty convincing. If @Xevyr is not trusted by Funcom’s moderation team, I might be having a hard time trusting him as well. I always knew something was shady about that fellow. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
Yea, to be fair I wouldn’t trust me either after that fiasco
Tell me about it… who is this guy even? He comes in with all this “data” he somehow “found” in the “coding” and made a bunch of spreadsheets and stuff to “explain” his reasoning. Sounds like, as the OP would put it, “rubbish.” My opinions are only swayed by official Funcom released information. Trusted status is no different. …
@Xevyr I am happy to see you again on the Conan forums, just as I am saddened and deeply disappointed by the reaction of the moderators for this punishment concerning you because many of us, with @CodeMage @MarcosC you represent the community, your advice, help and mature and appropriate remarks are always welcome.
I forgot some I apologize for
To return to the main subject , Funcom cuts itself off from its community by absurd and incomprehensible decisions, the choices of the decision-makers spoil the work of the developers because the reputation of the whole (Funcom in general) takes a hit.
I was trusted at one time not sure if I still am, don’t care.
There is no reason to discuss the game TOS. I know the violations are my pet peeve but no matter which side you are on of the discussion, it is still one sided when it is just us.
To be fair, every time I get silenced I tottaly deserve it.
I once thought that measures like that were “deserved”, or at least good for the community, that they would help maintain the discussion healthy. But lately I’ve been forced to re-evaluate and I wonder: is it truly better for the community if the only toxicity that gets a heavy-handed punishment is the toxicity of those who haven’t learned to “toe the line” and “play within the rules”?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a firm believer in active and careful moderation, community-assisted and carefully enforced by moderators. I still believe that discussion is better when it’s not on a hands-off, no-holds-barred forum.
But for that to work properly, there has to be a certain level of justice involved, and there’s no justice if the track record of persistent trolling never attracts consequences because it happens within certain bounds.
What makes the situation a thousand times worse, though, is that there was a very clear and undeniable abuse of power that happened in @Xevyr’s case, and it was allowed to stand.
That’s really what made me re-evaluate my views here. If one of the staff is allowed to do that and the others won’t stand up against that, then it’s clear that my ideas about “moderation for the sake of the quality of discussion” were self-delusions.
At some point, it might have been about the quality of discussion or about maintaining a healthy community, but it sure isn’t anymore. Not sure what it really is about, though…