Abuse of the flag system

Something needs to be done about the abuse of the flag system.
Too many; or maybe just a few doing it a lot, people are flagging posts because they don’t like the post or the poster. The flag system is for TOS violations, not personal vendettas, because you disagree with a poster, or YOU just don’t like what the poster has to say.

Really how many times have you read a blocked post and saw no reason for it to be flagged? For me it’s the majority of the time; and no I not mean my posts.

You don’t flag some one for spamming an advertisement because you don’t like what they have to say. It called filing a false report and is a TOS violation; on most forums. People that flagrantly abuse the system in this manner need to be punished.


I agree flags fly a little too freely, but know that when someone abuses the system, the moderators can see the flagger. So if someone is too far out of bounds for too long, they will get reined in, much like someone who is deserved of the flags and keeps at it. At least we can click on a flagged post and see what someone said. TBH, when someone is flagged, I read the entire post, unlike a lot of posts that are long and aren’t flagged…


Funcom will not publicly discuss action taken against people’s accounts, so we don’t know whether false flaggers actually do get punished.

I agree that they should. And I hope they do.



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