Achievements for pets and sprints

It has always bugged me that the listed source for some of the pets and sprints are just the name of the achievement, and not the full path to that achievement. Such a wate of time. So here is the list. If people can use it here, good. If Funcom (@AndyB) would include it in their game, better.


  • Dead fast: Regional -> Transylvania -> Carpathian Fangs -> Speedhax 2
  • Flynn’s Gambit: ??? -> ??? -> Dungeoneer (not in game yet)
  • Glitched Speed: Activities -> Scenarios -> Occult Defense -> Waves -> Proactive Disaster Response
  • Pagan’s Steed: Regional -> Tokyo -> Downtown -> Pagan’s Pride
  • Rainbow Stride: Collections -> Sprints -> Vecturist


  • Golden Dragon: Activities -> Challenges -> Master of Challenges
  • Inky: (Eternal Echoes) -> The Whispering Tide -> Blasting the Zero Point Bird (event pet, no longer obtainable)
  • Jade Komainu: Bosses -> General -> Essence of Tokyo
  • Obsidian Pharaoh Hound: ??? -> “Achievement”? (Can’t find it, not sure it should be listed as that, as it was a sub gift in TSW)
  • Padurii Twiglet: Collections -> Pets -> Master of the Menagerie
  • Penumbral Hatchling: Collections -> Pets -> The Collector
  • Sanguine Draug Lord Puppy: Collections -> Pets -> Husbandry Enthusiast
  • Snowy: Regional -> Tokyo -> Housing Projects and Docks -> Invocation (wrongfully listed with just mission name).
  • Vali Field Drone: Activities -> Scenarios -> Seek and Preserve -> Elite 10 -> Shutting Down World Simulation

Did I miss any?


It could be helpful for seasonal sprints to include which season they are from, and include Arcane Gravity as one.

Flightless Reindeer, Mitsubachi, Stealth Board, Geist Rider and Speed Demon don’t have sources mentioned. The board and bikes could be tsw exclusives, and some seasonally sourced sprints haven’t been acquirable in swl, so may actually be tsw exclusives also. The Mythos Machine at least has a source mentioned…

I’m not sure The Athlete is actually a mission reward, as mine was simply purchased in tsw.

Arachnoid cycle should be correctly sourced as being cache.

Yeah, when I started to look through the pets and sprints I noticed that many more than the achievement ones were poorly labelled. I may update the list above to include more when I get time.

I’d rather offer make it link that would open achievement window highlighting certain achievement instead of writing a path. Should be doable.

  • Franken-Chopper - A Piece of the Road quest from Moose in Kingsmouth