Act of violence

Please can we please delete this weapon from the game as it’s a absolutely a Frustrating experience pvp right now it’s horrid you get gear up get all your potions together then you die from a one shot It’s a 50/50 chance you’ll die I used it, it’s not even fair it’s funny at first but then when it happens to you it’s another story but can we all agree that it’s OP that’s needs a nerf and not when the next update arrives right NOW

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I wanna see how this works with the new update to come out. Are you gettin one shotted in light armor? With the new update you probably gonna see more ppl in heavy armors. Im curious if ppl will still get one shotted in heavy armor. I wanna see how that works out before nerfin this wep.

You do realize OP writes he used it?

A oneshot lottery is stupid and only cheesers would want it to stay like that

no matter if you pvp or pve, you still just want to cheese the game if you think a weapon should do so high damage compared to everything else.

you need to calm down in the way you’re writing and sounding very stupid it as if it sounds like you rely on this weapon? I’m a PVP’er I’ve been here from the start
I’m acknowledging this weapon is OP, It’s bugged It does need to be fixed, (nerf) critical damage, as @zerog as said PVP is not in a great position.

Hammers clipping and swinging wildly

Everyone that can just run away and run for miles regardless if you’ve got a cripple build

Probably countless more, @Ragnaguard you need to be a little less judging because what your saying and how your responding to a legitimate concern within the community it’s disgusting and toxic and Conan would be a little bit better off without you mate.

Fixing a bug is never a nerf. Before asking for a nerf let see how much damage does this axe once the bug affecting it is fixed.

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